
Tell me your favorite opticical illusions!?

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share an experience, show us one or help to disprove one. real ones, fake ones or how we fool our brain into one




  1. ...

  2. I like to go to "YOUTUBE" and get the clips of optical illusions to watch and post in bulletins for my friends on myspace to watch!They are kool video's of optical illusions on that site!

  3. ive got one for you check this out...   youll love it

  4. Do rainbows count?

  5. I'm always amazed when watching David Blaine. Most of his illusions are done on the street with observers all around, and very close by.  Others, like Chris Angel, keeps his audience at a distance and always in front, reducing the visible area.

  6. visual phenomena, and "optical" or "visual illusions". The latter is more appropriate, because most effects have their basis in the visual pathway, not in the optics of the eye.

  7. This humble photo illusion is a mind bender.  The thing that makes it so amazing is that you can stare at it for minutes and not be able to figure out why it appears the way it does.  It was the "Mighty Optical Illusions" web site's winner for best illusion of the year.

       Keep in mind that the two photos are completely identical.  If you don't believe it, put them in a graphic program, then cut one and move it over top of the other.  For real, folks, they are the same photograph.


    (I like the dragon, too.  Saw that one on this site as well.)


    thats the coooolest optical illusion ever

  9. mind freak!

  10. Criss Angel has fooled some people with his video illusions. I can't stand watching this guy especially after he did the one where he pretended to rip a girl in half. I thought it was a lame display of exploitation of the handicapped and disabled. One day he'll most like go to far and have to resurrect himself.

  11. Get your hands on the art work of an artist named M.C.Escher.

    You are in for a treat!

  12. My very favorite is this 3-D dragon.  It's well worth the time to download the template and make one for yourself. I have one sitting on my office computer. It's a very cool illusion! The web page has a short video which shows you the illusion and how it works.

    EDIT: Jay, GMTA!  I just noticed you posted the same thing. It's a very popular illusion.


  14. I like when that guy makes all those hankies come out of his pants, and then his underware comes out.

  15. WOW  some  of these i havent seen before thanks

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