
Tell me your greatest fear?

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Tell me your greatest fear?




  1. Death, that's probably my only fear.

  2. Death, the end of the world, s*x, dying young, not getting into heaven, failure, evil people, giving into to peer pressure...

    most of all losing the one I love.

  3. Losing the ones I love

  4. Fear itself.  It creates a huge wall that is sometimes tough to climb over.  It's when we let fear own us is when to be fearful, because we stop living for that moment.  So fear is my answer.

  5. Telling my greatest fear and having an individual track me down and frighten me to death with it because I was stupid enough to confide in a stranger, I don't know what the technical name for that is but it gives me nightmares - or maybe not

  6. Hippopotamuses

    my mum thought it was funny to name me after one

  7. Gummy bears *shudders*

  8. Being alone. I fear that all the time. Hope it never happens to me.  

  9. Tow ropes used for skiing.

  10. Failure.

  11. My greatest fear is being involved in a car crash, where the car flips & rolls.

    It's not the thought of sustaining injuries & being in pain that scares me. It's the thought of not being able to get out of the car after wards, being trapped & helpless, more over, not being able to help my family members if they were in the car also.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  12. Heights (or fear of falling from them).  And losing my faculties in old age.  :(


  13. That I might turn into a bimbo someday.

  14. Dolls with HAIR !! Bald plastic dolls - i am fine.

    Dolls with hair - Its too bad to describe !! Making me shiver just picturing it !!

    Been like it all my life - thought i may have grown out of it but i am 30 this year and still can not be within 3 feet of one.

  15. Anyone close to me dying especially my immediate family.

  16. Dieing without a cause.

  17. Drowning

  18. Dieing before i get to tell people how I truly feel about them. I know i shouldnt waste my time and i should just tell them...but i cant and my biggest fear is them or me dieing before i show how i feel to them...wont make much sense to yous but it does to me

  19. Death...Bears....Tornados....Thats All!

  20. tornados, saw the aftermath as a young child (not a big one, but big enough) left quite the impression on me

  21. Tiled flooring and mayonnaise. They terrify me, especially when combined. I just can't walk into a tiled room with mayonnaise in it.

  22. octopus and death,we live in fear of the unknown

  23. Dying  , before my son becomes mature adult  . the thought of him being on his own is my greatest fear.

  24. spontaneous human combustion     boom  

  25. It used to be clowns but up until a minute ago not being able to get your picture out of my mind.

  26. Staying home alone, being in a room at night with the window shade open like someone could see in, drunk men, being hurt(heart), certain arrangements of numbers, sleeping at night with a mirror in my room. I turn around or cover every mirror at night.

  27. Being rounded up and sent to a 'camp'.

  28. People that ask way too much question

  29. 1 feet

    #2 getting close to an edge, not being up high, but falling

  30. Phones

  31. rides  breaking down, and abandoned and chained up at night  

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