
Tell me your scarriest paranormal experiences?

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idk if i spelled it right but just go along w/ it lol




  1. i was sleeping one morning and i heard a knocking on my bedroom door

    so i said come in

    and no one answered

    so then the door k**b started giggling and i said come in and i opened the door and a big breeze came in my room

    and then another time my uncle died in my living room and my mom said that some lady at her work said that when someone dies, open the window so their spirit will leave and my mom opened the window and my cat looked around the room and she ran to the window and looked out.

    it was like she saw the spirit of my uncle or something. and it was crazy because before my mom opened the window it was like something was staring at us but we couldnt see it

  2. lol.

    I am not sure what that means but I am just gonna tell you about a time when I thought my house was like posest or something!! Lol.

    So i was babysitting this little girl "Lilliana". She was nearly 2 and a half at the time I think. It was about midnight and she would NOT go to sleep. My mom was in the living room because I was too young to babysit by myself but she was already asleep because she trusted me. FINALLY she had gone to sleep and I was soo tired so I rested for like 30 minutes. A loud knock awoken me and I went to go check on Lilly. She was not in her crib! I looked to the end of the hallway and there she was. She was at the door at the farthest end of the house. I walked over shocked at how she got out she BARLEY walked. She had her blanket and bottle and insisted on layiong next to the door. Knocking came from the door. I got soo scared and jumped back. I slowly twisted the door k**b freaking out because I didnt know what the h**l knocked. the door was locked? How did it lock?? i kept thinking. Sooo then I heard a loud crash of glass being shattered from the living room so I ran too check it out. The candle had fallen from the middle of the table off to the ground into pieices. My mom was now awake and I told my mom I was really scared. I dont know maybe I was just paranoid but we took Lilly and stayed with my grandmom that night.!

    LOL. scarryy =[

    not to mention I was 12!

  3. How can I tell you about something that doesn't exist.

    Except the time the doors on my closet started opening and I thought there was someone inside it and I even got my shotgun and then checked everywhere and there was no one anywhere.

  4. Alrite once it was really dark and rainy and me and my friends were outside and we were playing paintball and when all the paint washed into the sewer i swear i saw a message saying 'death' and my gerbil died the next night. It was the creepiest thing ever.

  5. Well, when I was around eight years old, I slept on the couch in my living room. It was because my room had a big hole in the ceiling that I thought would have "dead people" or alive people watching me. Anyway, around 10:00, my mom was watching tv, and I still could not fall asleep. So I looked at the end of the hallway and right then, this man with a mustache and jean jacket peers out of the hallway and went away. (as I am typing this I hear footsteps upstairs even though I'm alone.) I freaked out but didn't say anything to my mom about it because 1: she wouldn't believe me and 2: It was a school night and I was supposed to be asleep by 9:00. I had a really bad panic attack afterward, which always errupts when things like this happens. My mom left to go to take a shower, past where I saw the man. I could see that she looked in my bedroom and then went in the bathroom. I guess she was okay. I remember vividly when I was younger I saw dark shadows of people in the shower that wasn't me. It looked like the outline of the guy I saw. I even saw one when I was in the kitchen. I have had so many more experiences. I will comment at the end about some other ones.

  6. this might be long lol..

    my old room at my parent's house was haunted... a lot of little things would happen like i would have to change my light bulbs every month (they say that ghosts use electricity).. one time i was on my bed and i had a snow globe on my dresser and out of no where, it got thrown across the room by something that wasn't there.. i FREAKED... my dog would always bark at the middle of my room for no reason (they say dogs can often see ghosts).. another thing, is i was always scared to death sleeping in there, and thats not like me at all..  i mean i was terrified.. and eveyrone that spent the night would always say the same thing, it was weird.. i thought it was my imagination and stuff, but now i sleep alone in my appt with all the lights off just fine..

    so anyways, my ex bf and i wanted to find out what was going on, so we used a quiji board, or however u spell it... first of all, let me just say that neither of us were moving it, our hands weren't even on it some of the time... so we asked who was in the room besides us, and it went to the number "6".. and we didn't understand what 6 meant, so we asked what it meant by that and it spelled out "us" saying theres six of them... so ofcourse i freaked out again lol... but this year me and my mom went to a psychic medium, (someone that gets feelings and sees things when they touch people).. i'm a total sceptic about that stuff... but i was in shock after!... first she said 'you built your house new, and it's one story with a basement' which is the truth and she'd have no way of knowing that... then she said there is a bedroom with a family of 6 spirits in it'... i was in disbelief!... so now i'm trying to get the history of the land my house was built on to see if i can find out any more info... sorry this is soo long lol

  7. My brother and I were sitting in our living room watching TV ( I was on a recliner on one end of the room, and he was on a couch at the opposite end) and a loaf of bread went from the counter to the middle of the living room, it just sorta floated in the air and then dropped. It's about 15 feet away from the counter... and no one else was home, needless to say, it was a spooky experience. Also the night my grandma died I swear I heard her voice telling me to tell my mom that everything would be all right... I was in the shower and it was like 'ok, I'm clean enough'

  8. okay, well one time my 2 friends and i wanted to try out the ouija board and so we waited until midnight. and we went in the bathroom (it was the darkest room)lol dont ask. and then we asked who was there and the water faucet came on and we had a shoe holding the door open a crack and it flung away leaving us in the dark and then we heard a cackling noise. yea it was pretty freaky

  9. when i was 5 i had a desk with 3 cabits on the left side and around 11 o'clock they opend and closed loudly and fast.

  10. When i was about 7-8 years old i woke up in the middle of the night to see my deceased grandmother sitting on a chair smiling at me. I screamed to wake up my parents and she disappeared.

    That was only the beginning of my paranormal experiences.

  11. Just a few nights ago I was in th bathroom and I was alone int the house and I was by the sink and I heard this whisper. I turned around and there was nothing there. I shoved it off but I just kept hearing it. Then BAM I got this feeling that these 2 people were talking about me. I ran out of there jumped on the couch and turned on the t.v. I just had to turn around so I did because the feeling was just telling me something. When I turned around there was this tall black faceless ghost, demon, elemental WHATEVER something was there. I ran outside and told my brother and his friend what I seen and all the while I was telling them I just sensed a male spirit watching us from my bedroom and then he would sometimes walk around. I don't know I might have scared my self to much but I know what I saw scared or not I seen something and I heard things.

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