
Tell some best slogans for energy conservation?

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Tell some best slogans for energy conservation?




  1. save energy save future

  2. save yourself real money $£YE$$$$$£YE

    just switch off, relax, drive less agressively, read a book, dress appropriately (don't get fooled by advertisers & fashion industry), get fitter but save gym fees - walk & cycle more, buy fresher tastier & more nutritious local food, talk to your neighbours & share ideas & mowers, car share ...

  3. Energy is life save or sink.

    Energy is future, make it bright.

    Energy is health make it pink.

    Energy for us light up the night.

  4. Save energy ur survival depends upon the survival of energy.

  5. Save energy! Save the world!

  6. Conserve energy! Because America is worth defending.

  7. father: save energy today to survive tomorrow

    son:save energy today to survive today

  8. "Don't use it or lose it".

  9. Save Today Survive Tomorrow

    E = m c 2

    Energy = money control conservation

    Keep the future bright

    Turn off the light.

    Switch off! Or be Switched off.

    'Let there be light' - for our grandchildren

  10. "Use Less Stuff"

    That is a sticker we had here in OK for a while.

  11. Save energy

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