
Tell some environmental slogans to keep our country the best.can u?

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some environmental slogans of your own that are specific about the country,environment and nature




  1. I did a paper once about recycling and we had to come up with a fake company name and slogan.  Mine was:

    EcoSense because Recycling makes Sense

    My paper centered on putting comprehensive recycling programs in public schools - recycle everything from paper to food scraps.  Use food scraps in compost bins and use the compost to teach kids about organic farming methods, etc.  Shredded paper and compost can be used for worm farms and kids can sell worms for a profit for other school projects.  It goes on and on....I don't know why more schools don't do this in the US.

  2. Blue + Yellow = Green (Isn't THAT the truth?!)

    It's clear we need new nuclear plants.

    They took my light bulb, now I live in the dark ages.

    Climatologists = New World Oracles.

    WWJGD? (What Would John Galt Do?)

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