
Tell the reasons why our environment is getting degraded ?

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Tell the reasons why our environment is getting degraded ?




  1. Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife.

    Environmental degradation is one of the ten threats officially cautioned by the High Level Threat Panel of the United Nations. The World Resources Institute (WRI), UNEP (the United Nations Environment Programme), UNDP (the United Nations Development Programme) and the World Bank have made public an important report on health and the environment worldwide on May 1, 1998.

    Environmental Change and Human Health, a special section of World Resources 1998-99 in this report describes how preventable illnesses and premature deaths are still occurring in very large numbers. If vast improvements are made in human health, millions of people will be living longer, healthier lives than ever before. In these poorest regions of the world an estimated one in five children will not live to see their fifth birthday, primarily because of environment-related diseases. Eleven million children die worldwide annually, equal to the combined populations of Norway and Switzerland, and mostly due to malaria, acute respiratory infections or diarrhoea — illnesses that are largely preventable.

    The ten threats identified by the High Level Threat Panel of the United Nations are these:


    Infectious Disease

    Environmental degradation

    Inter-State War

    Civil war


    Other Atrocities (e.g., trade in women and children for sexual slavery, or kidnapping for body parts)

    Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction


    Transnational Organized Crime

  2. 1)people tend not to be aware

    2)people don't care

    3)they care but its difficult to give up stuff

    4)they do care, are doing everything they can about it, but its not enough

  3. The invention of urban life, its exploiting the elements that makes up the earth and its atmosphere to the point where it nature cannot handle it

  4. Reliance on disposable products.And lack of enough clean mass transit systems that were pushed out of existence by the oil boys.We used to reuse glass bottles,boxes,paper bags,diapers and more.And electric trollies were far cleaner and cheaper than diesel fueled buses.

  5. the old  technique of generating energy

    uncontrolled population

    natural imbalance each n evry thing has an imp role in nature however v human thinks earth is only 4 us


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