
Tell the truth .. do tattoos really hurt?

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im scared that if i go to get one ill freak out half way through and be left with half a tattoo




  1. All will hurt to some degree. How much depends on where you get one. I have one on my shoulder that didn't hurt much. Then i got one one my back, over my shoulder blade - that hurt like b*ggery!! lol

    So choose wisely!

  2. apparently it hurts more on a thin section of skin closer to bone. I dont have one thats what i heard

  3. it's not that bad really according to where you get it i have one on my upper arm that one wasn't to bad and i have one on my side it was the worst one and one my leg wasn't to bad and one on my chest didn't really hurt and really for me it was more like a burning sensation then pain

  4. I see this question at least once a day. To answer your question, it's not a walk in the park. The pain experienced during a tattoo depends on many factors:

    1. the individuals pain tolerance

    2. the location of the tattoo

    3. the heaviness of the person's hand giving it to you

    4. the size of the tattoo

    5. the amount of line work versus color or shading.

    So, by using these examples, a large, detailed rib cage piece will hurt a lot more than a tiny star on your ankle.

    If you want a tattoo, I suggest getting your first one in a less painful area - inner ankle, outer calf, upper arm.. and a fairly small simple design.  

  5. Yes they do, you are getting scraped repeatedly by tiny needles, of course it will hurt. How much depends on the area being tattooed and your pain tolerance. I personally find it to be relatively easy to tolerate, but everyone is different.

  6. iheard from my bro back then it used to hurt

    there were no technologies

    it was hand SOWN that hurtt yo hahah

    but it shud be alot better now..

    i dont have 1 but


    but iam guessin its like the pain of a neeedle poking in u

    perhaps a sting

  7. yeah, they do

    whats even worse is how it will look on your nasty wrinkled skin when your 65. it will make people puke  

  8. It is uncomfortable and it stings/burns a bit but it doesn't hurt that bad.

  9. i was scared my first time also.

    but it's not that bad.

    it hurts, yeah.

    but it's not like super extreme pain.

    i have 3 tattoos and if the first one hurt that bad, i wouldn't have got two more.

    and i had two of them touched up.

    so all in all i've sat through 5 tattoo sessions.

    i have a VERY low tolerance for pain.

    so.. hope that helps you out.

  10. depends on where you get your tattoo, and the size of it. the more colors you have, and depends on how detailed your design is. my first tattoo was on my foot, and it hurt a lot. but im also a huge wuss, and can't endure pain well. and it's different for everybody lol :)

    and if u do decide to get one then good luck !

  11. a little bit.

  12. yea they hurt don't let any one tell you any different i have 3 of them so its not a pain you cant handel if you have children than you can get a tattoo if its your first one just don't pick something to big that way your next one you Will what to expect

  13. yeah...the severity of the pain depends on your pain tolerance and the location of the tattoo....a tat on the spine or other body parts with a lot of nerve endings would be more painful

  14. I've got a little chinese symbol outlined in black and coloured in red.  The outline hurt like getting cut slowly with a scalpel.   ......  and yes, I have been cut slowly with a scalpel.  The colour is a piece of p*ss.  as we say in the colonies

  15. Yes, tattoos hurt - you will be pierced hundreds of times a minute by needles for however many hours your tattoo takes.

    Everybody deals with the pain in different ways - some are more tolerant to it than others, for example a friend of mine had his first tat on his belly and he did it in 5 hours straight. He didn't enjoy it but he coped fine. At the same time there was a young guy who was having his first done across his shoulders and he nearly fainted a couple of times in the first hour!

    I could have lied and said that they don't hurt - as a lot of people will say to make themselves look "hard", but the truth is that being stuck with needles has some pain associated with it - unless there are no nerve endings in your body of course!

    Good luck.

  16. I've heard that it feels like a catscratch or a burning sensation... it all really depends on your tolerence to pain though

  17. i would prefer a removable one..

    it's not painful and if i can clear it when i want to..

  18. h**l YEAH

  19. no i was 14 when i got mine

  20. just slant your eyes a bit and you wont feel anything!

  21. Yes, but some (fleshy) parts of the body are less painful during the process.

    Good Luck.

  22. Honestly, it does hurt a bit but I didn't find it even close to unbearable.

    It does hurt more on the bone but I found that after a couple of minutes you get used to the feeling and it's alright. And once it's over it's over. As soon as the tattooist stops the pain is gone.

  23. To tell ya the truth? HE** YA!!! Poke a few straight needles in your skin a few hundred times. And that is what getting a tattoo feels like. Of course that depends on the size of tattoo you get.

  24. It depends how u tolerate pain and what is the size of tattoo!

    I have a snake on my shoulder and it wasn't that bad! Trust me, if u really want a tattoo s***w the pain and just get it!


    Good Luck!!!

  25. Well, I had my eyeliner done a year ago. I went to a facility where they specialize in permanent makeup, so the artist applied a topical anesthetic. It was completely painless. Last night I had my very first body tattoo. No anesthetic was applied. Everyone is different, but for me it was just a stinging sensation, very mild, mostly vibration. I'm excited to share it. Want to see?

  26. to be honest in some areas it hurt and in others i didnt feel anything. I guess it depends on the person and the size of the tatto

  27. Not as much as road rash, but more than a slapping your arm 20 times really hard - LOL

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