
Tell the truth if food stamp could buy fast food will be a good idea?

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Tell the truth if food stamp could buy fast food will be a good idea?




  1. V.R..get off your high horse...PUHLEEZE,,"I don't want MY tax dollars supporting THESE people?" It's ignorant, heartless people like you, that I hope are lonely, and confined to a nursing home in old age without any family or friends around and HOPEFULLY, OUR tax dollars won't be paying for your stay at the home.  WE HAVE ALL PAID INTO THE SYSTEM O' BRIGHT obviously missed that class. PS. Pernecio...Sorry that you had to go through such a miserable life...but it sounds like you need a grief counselor...stop being so mad at the dad fought for your rights too, my grandfather made your dad's cars at Studebakers, my mom doesn't have health insurance either, I'm adopted...but guess what? I GET FOOD STAMPS!!! Get a life you angry, judgemental piece of work. Know a person's situation before all you miserable angry people judge. AND CASHIERS: Stop LOOKING AT MY EBT balance when u give me back my reciept..Stop being so nosy..and you know the best part? I WORK AND AM FINISHING UP MY MASTERS'. GO APPLY for food stamps so you can stop being so envious...DON'T preoccupy your precious time WORRYING your LITTLE minds about what I am purchasing.

  2. Sure and while we're at it why don't I vote to allow you to spend my tax dollars on booze, whores, drugs and free house-keeping services? I don't mind working my tail off at any min wage job I can find to support my family just so you can suck off the government nipple - as long as you're happy. That's what's important. Huh?

    Wow! Those poor miniorities. They have it so hard. Let's see... when was the last time I had fast food? Was it last month? No... let me think... month before?

    OH! I remember now! It was on the way to my Father's house nearly 2 yrs ago when I learned he had cancer and his diabetes had gotten so out of control that they wanted to remove his feet. I don't know what I was so concerned about. h**l, he had 3 good meals a day in the hospital.

    Of course he couldn't afford healthcare but that's not important as long as you are able to eat fast food on his tax dollars, huh? Not really important that he's dying and no money to bury him after he spent 8 yrs of his life defending your right to say whatever you want to say -  what's really important here is that you continue to clog your arteries with fast food grease-burgers at my expense so you can later sue the fast food industry for making you overweight.

    Yeah... let's give fast food the stamp of approval on the food stamp bill. I wouldn't really expect you to actually shop and cook for yourself. That's ludicrous! My Dad doesn't really need a funeral ... h**l, there's always a hefty bag. My husband doesn't really need that difibrulator - he'll die eventually anyway. I think I should just send all my tax dollars to people like you who find fast foods a must.

    You make a good case now may I ask you a few questions before I sign....?

    Did you actually take the time to get off your lazy butt and go to the polls just once and actually vote within the past 16 yrs??? Can you tell me the name of our current Vice President? Can you tell me what it feels like to have your Son serve his second term in Iraq? Can you tell me what it feels like, as a parent to hear people slander this country while your Son is dodging bullets to defend what he believes in?  Can you tell me what it feels like to receive your Son's Last Will and Testament in the mail just in case something happens to him?

    Can you tell me what it feels like to receive an envelope in the mail containing one gold chain that your Son has worn around his neck since he was 16 yrs old???

    Sure! I'm happy to let you spend my tax dollars on your fast food. Why not? It only seems right!

  3. NEVER

    Fast food is costly and not as healthy

    You could buy a lot more food by smart shopping

    Don't take the easy way out

  4. absolutely not.

    Food stamps should be used to nourish underprivileged families, and since 90% of fast food has absolutely no redeeming nutritional quality I don't want my tax dollars supporting such an endeavor.

    Furthermore, people living below the poverty line are at a higher risk of becoming overweight or obese, and providing government-subsidized fast food for them is an incredible disservice to these people.  

    If anything, food stamps come with educational resources about healthy eating and making the most of your food-dollars.

  5. No. Period.

    The idea behind food stamps is to help people who are struggling to provide for their families. (I've been there I know.)

    Food stamps help you get through a tough time. If you are having a tough time you are trying to maximize every opportunity. For what ever the reason you have had to rely on food stamps, you are in need. Food stamps are not provided to fill empty voids. They are provided to help families survive.

    Food stamps are not a lifestyle. They are a way to get through the tough times.

    People who do not understand this are people I do not know.

    Maximize the money. Make dishes that can be frozen or last a long time.

  6. If you want to become fat and sickly, yeah.

  7. no.

    encourages laziness

  8. h**l no!!  It is a struggle for me to feed my family without help.  I am a cashier and I see some of the stuff ppl with EBT get.  Not all of them, a lot of them get healthy stuff.  But some get all these frozen dinners, soda, candy and junk like that.  I buy the family pack of chicken thighs for 6 dollars, it makes 2 meals, while some ppl get a pack of rib-eyes at 20 dollars a pack.  Sorry for venting, but that is a subject that burns me.  The hard working ppl who need a little extra help can barely get it cause they make 15-20 dollars too much.  Than you have these ppl who get 4-500 dollars a month in EBT for food than 4-500 EBT cash and on the side have their boyfriend living with them supporting them....



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