
Tell us in order which of these are our biggest problems.....?

by  |  earlier

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for Muslims worldwide






All of these should be unilaterally condemned by all muslims I think...




  1. Moron.....?

  2. terrorism





  3. Zionism





  4. 1.Islamophobia





  5. I don't think any one is any better.  These are all cancers of the Muslim world.

    I feel obliged to point out that Ahmadi Muslims number in the tens of millions worldwide and we have none of these issues.  Worldwide, across 193 countries, we have no issues with any of these major cancers that have crept into Islam.

    The reason is because we have accepted Imam Mahdi and Messih, and are united by a Khalifa, alhumdolillah.

    Search "Revival of Faith" on YouTube.

    love for all, hatred for none

  6. Terrorism

  7. 1- Sectarianism






    Salman is right. Most Muslims live in fool's paradise.

    They think that they are in majority so they are right.

  8. Terrorism, and I mean terrorism that is committed by all people of different faiths. So anyone who is killing or torturing civilians are terrorists (that includes members of the US army who have done that and suicide bombers).

    That is because once violence stops then everything else can be sorted out properly.

  9. Zionism

    Terrorism and Islamophobia are domino effects of Zionism and occupation in general

  10. the only problem is that Most muslims are not on the Right Path of Islam!!

    if they followed the right path of Islam, there would be no Racism, no zionism, ...etc!! most muslims do this because the lack of Islamic education!!

  11. Arabs thinking critisizing anything they do is a sin. They equate their own life style and traditions with the religion. Well, as far as I know, that is shirk.

    I have just received a message from such a user who thinks my answer, which is strictly linguistic, is a racist anti-Arab one. Well, it isn't. He even proceeds to ridicule my own nation.

    People see the problem. If you put your own language and culture above others, it is racism. That's especially weird when you claim your religion is above races.

    So, I would say, racism is the first among all problems.

  12. Racism (within Islam) is the result of sectarianism.

    Islamophobia is the result of Terrorism.

    Terrorism is the result of Zionism (fighting Israel and America).

    I think that as true Muslims, we would not fall under any of those categories. In Islam, there is none of the above. The problem all starts from within ourselves and from within the Muslim Ummah (Nation) which we no longer have. It's because people do not hold tight on their beliefs, adopting new teaching, new ways of life. It steers them away from the true Islam and from each other. There is no way in reuniting, only deviating ourselves further and further away from Islam.

    There are Muslims who think the laws in the Quran were only meant for 1400 years ago and thus cannot be applied to our "modern" lifestyles. There are Muslims who deny the Hadiths and follow only the Quran, not knowing that praying the way they do is learned from Hadiths. There are Muslims who are pro-abortion, pro-feminism (and I mean the stupid one). There are Muslims who just adopt new teachings, new points of view, and leave behind a trail of what Islam really is. For them, Islam isn't a priority. Their busy pointing fingers and blaming others and saying that they are right and everyone else is deviated. The real problem is within ourselves, within our Ummah. Fix that, and we fix everything else.

    May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you all.

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