
Tell us something we don't know

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Teachers are worried about brand bullying, Sorry but this has been happening for years i left school over 16 years ago and it was happening then.

Just how out of touch are some teachers these days?

Your thoughts please.




  1. brand bullying should have been stamped out practically before it began

    some people can not afford brand name products and it should not be taken out on the child. children can be very cruel, the parents with money should teach their sons or daughters, some manners and respect for people less fortunate than themselves.

    I think it will continue reguardless.

  2. I only left school 6 years ago but it was pretty much normal then too

    Even though every school I've been too have had school uniforms and set PE kits you could still be bullied for the type of shoes you had, even the make of bag you had

    Funnily enough on non-uniform days half the people in my year never used to turn up in case people laughed at the clothes they had on

  3. I think the problem today is that teachers do not have the power anymore to do anything about bullying.  When I was at school we had the cane as a deterrent and the slipper.  Today teachers cannot even threaten a child, no matter how they behave with anything other than ringing their parents or a detention - after ringing the parents!!!

    I find the whole subject frustrating.  Discipline needs to start early, school age, and yet powers are taken away to enforce discipline and yet the country wonders why it is getting worse???

    Canes/slippers do not have to be used often, but when I was at school, if they were ever used - as sure as eggs are eggs - the offenders didn't do it again!

    The world is going mad!


  4. some of them are ancient fossils.

  5. I am seeing things, I could have sworn a teachers union has said the same thing for nearly two decades. At this time of year and their Easter conferences every year they have been doing so. So are Yahoo once again making news out of nothing.  

  6. How old are these teachers?

    This went on when I was at school and I would guess that the average age of todays teachers is around my age.

  7. Indeed that has been going on for years. What next, fat kids getting bullied?

  8. Kate and Gerry McCann are bad parents

  9. All of these things have been happening for years but teachers have unwittingly allowed the politically correct mob to rule them with the result that if they try to enforce any form od discipline in the classroom they find themselves being investigated and their career ruined. The result is  that it is difficult to find a teacher willing to be a headteacher if they are capable and as a result some becoming heads (far from all but increasingly so)  who are professionally and emotionally incapable of doing the job. The increased poilitical pressure is actually getting in the way of education. it is time the teachers were backed in their efforts and if little wilie gets an undeserved clip over the ear a lesson is learned. Life 'aint just    

  10. I left school nearly 30 years ago and if you didn't have the right clothes you were ridiculed out of the class room. I seem to remember it was maxi skirts and platforms. So sorry Im not telling you anything you havnt heard before because isnt that what is fashionable today/

  11. Lilly Allen can't sing that's something you didn't know.

  12. Ergo

    Those who can - do,

    those who cant - teach

    When i was a teenager some 15 yrs ago kids were getting bullied stabbed for their nike jordans.  

  13. Courgettes arent red but are sung about!!

  14. I was in school from 1959-'66 Young folk then had the classic Brit thing @ 'sticking up for the underdog' - aka justice & fair play

    We were against such empty, pathetic snobbery as is now rampant

    If 'friends' hate ya cuz ya aint got da costliest gear, they aint true friends, so who cares what such idiots think?

    I read a great article @ the 6 main elements of true friendship: it's in the well written youth mag, Hope Xtreme

    @ - (@ the church, not the site!)


    I'm sure all labels of Bible-believing churches have it All such on Merseyside are linked @

  15. Children who eat loads of of chips, sweets, chocolates, cakes, burgers, drink sodas and sit in front of the telly all evening and all weekend, playing tv games,, and never get any excercise will end up obese.

    Bet you didn't know that, pal!

  16. It was happening back in 1979 as well. Not as much as now, but you had to have the proper approved brand of blue jeans. But really, poor kids like I was have always been snubbed and teased by the little rich brats. If it weren't that, then there would be some other we versus they issues.  

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