
Telling Boyfriend Im Pregnant At 16!?

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Any Ideas?

Ahhhhhhhh :| lol

Maybe right a paragraph that i can learn of by heart :) lol

Maybe go out for a meal then tell im?

Or invite him round ?

Or how did youu tell your boyfriend you was pregnant :)

Thanks <3




  1. i was 16 when i got pregnant and my boyfriend went with me to the doc app that confirmed it, i wouldnt take him out in puublic to tell him cuase you dont know how he will react, i would go to him place or him come to yours or maybe a park! no matter how you tell him it wont change his reaction! good luck if you need any advice you can email me, my duaghter is 2 and 1/2 now so i have some experiece as a young mom if you need any help !

  2. well i know this may not be much help but since every individual couple is different every one tells there boyfriend at least a little different....what i would do is look at how you think he will react do you think that once he finds out he will storm off out of fear and need a couple hours to himself or do you think he will be supportive and happy ... i would look at how you will think he will react and then determine if you should tell him at a restaurant or at your home ....either way i wish you the best of luck  

  3. This probably wont help much but when I thought I might have been pregnant I went and got a couple tests to take over time [in case the first was too early - and it was] And my last one ended up positive! My instant reaction was to walk back into our bedroom and I said &#039;honey.. I think we have a problem..&#039; [I held up the positive test] - Ok! My first thought was he was gonna freak out. Pass out. something. Wanna know what he said? &#039;Yea, I figured. Ok.&#039; And he gave me a kiss and went back on guitar hero... 0.0  

  4. I told my now husband over the phone. You need to be calm and make sure you are speaking clearly if you are going to do it this way and remember to be supportive walking him through the various emotions he might be going through.

  5. my boyfriend monitors my period cuz he wanted to get me pregnant...but he was a way at the time so i sent him a text message and said congrats on becoming a daddy bud.

  6. My bf bought the test and sat with me when we waited for the results. So i didnt have to break it to him. But when i thought i was pregnant i just said my period hasnt arrived and it was due however many days ago.and he got the hint.

  7. Just come right out and tell him, nothing will make it easier, and he has got to know!

  8. Well when i had my first baby i was 17 and i was scared and i told my boyfriend at the time and he said he didnt want the baby but i went threw with it by my ownand he came back after a year and wanted to see his baby and i found out after that i was pregnant again so i just didnt tell him because he wasnt there for my daughter why would he be there for my son and well he found out and he wanted something to do with my son but not my daughter and i wasnt having it but my husband now is a great dad to my two kids. ok now back to you i would tell him and see how he reacts and if he like says he dont the kid or he aint ready i am sure you got family that would help you but please dont abort the baby if you need any other advice just add me to your yahoo and i can help. and Congrats

  9. It will be okay no worries, I know you must be freaking out, My boyfriend was with me when I took the test I told him I thought I might be and I was scared what he was going to say to think well 7 years down the road were still together and everything is great.

    I would let him know you need to talk to him tell him you took a test and it came back positive see where is stands on it how you both feel. Its so important to have support when your pregnant. I think everything will be just fine for you just let him know then try to get to a doctor soon to get taken care of. Also being so young a lot of younger guys get scared a good idea would be take him to the appt with you so if he has any questions he can ask to plus I am sure he would love to hear the little heartbeat :) Congrats!

  10. Be honest...  I don&#039;t think there is a right paragragh to memorize and is this something to lol about?  Another question is how should you tell your parents?  

  11. I was 19 with my first and i waited until he had stopped the car and just told him i was having a baby!  He didnt speak for quite a while and im sure i stopped breathing for just as long.  Its hard and there&#039;s always a chance that they will react badly but best thing is to find a private place for the two of you so that noone ends up shouting or crying in public and then blurt it out!  Once you have done it that the hard part over regardless of how he reacts.

    So your speech is &quot;im pregnant&quot; and then wait for a response.

    Good luck, hope it goes how you want it to!!

  12. 1 Before you even talk to you boyfriend make sure your feelings are clear about the pregnancy. Make sure you know whether you are happy, excited, scared, upset or angry.

    Step 2 Decide what you want to do about the baby. Ultimately, it is up to you and you must go into the conversation with an opinion, even if it is to hear out your boyfriends feelings as well.

    Step 3 See a doctor immediately to learn all the information you can about your pregnancy, such as how far along you are, and what immediate health steps you need to take.

    Step 4 When you finally have all this information in hand and your feelings worked out, make a date to meet your boyfriend in a comfortable and private place. One of your homes would be best.

    Step 5 Make sure you have your boyfriends complete attention. Look into his eyes and place a hand on his hand.

    Step 6 Calmly tell him the news right away. Give him a moment for the news to sink in. Let him have some time to react.

    Step7 Relate to him all the information that you learned from your doctor dealing with how far along you are and the health issues you are about to experience.

    Step8 Gently tell him how you feel about the pregnancy and what you plan to do about it. Be direct and firm, while remaining kind. Remember that this may all still be a shock for him.

    Step9 Now that he has all of the information, let him give his two cents. You can take it from there.

  13. Go tell your parents first. They are the most important people right now. You are too young to understand what is going to happen and you parents even though they are gonna be mad, yell, go crazy and maybe throw stuff. After the first shock they are the people who while their for you.

    You boyfriend most likely doesn&#039;t want to be involve. He can not support you or your child at sixteen. He can barely get a job at the age. After you tell your parents and go to the doctor to confirm you are pregnant. Find some quiet time, not while he is watching sports, not while on the phone, Sit him down and tell him something like &quot;Bob, I havent been feeling right so i went to the doctor on (Tuesday) and he said that I&#039;m pregnant. I&#039;m not trying to trap you or anything and if you want to leave I understand, I can and will raise this baby on my own&quot;

    Be prepared for him to freak out, cry scream and any out emotion that might come about. The best thing that you can do is tell him and allow him to walk out of your life now. Because he will eventually and you dont want to deal with that when it comes up, because it will be much worst...

    Email me if you want to talk

  14. it went something like this.

    &quot; i think i may be pregnant&quot; the first time he came to doctors with me for the test..

    second time, we bought a home test, and we did it at home.

    I prepared him prior to the actually confirmation of it.

  15. I told my fiance that I was pregnant by going out and buying a pair of baby slippers and putting them into this teeney tiny little gift bag. When i got home I told him I got him a little something, just because. He seemed all excited to be getting gifts &#039;just because&#039; and opened it right away. When he saw what was inside, he seemed confused for a second...and then it hit him! lol It was awesome.  

  16. Well I told my husband over the phone while having a bit of a panic attack.

    I am sure your bf is going to be very scared and not very excited, so be prepared for that.

    Have you talked to your parents? Have your considered adoption?

  17. I had to tell my boyfriend I was pregnant at 16. I just told him we need to talk &amp; I showed him the pregnancy test.

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