
Telling my dad?

by Guest58848  |  earlier

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I live with my dad (my mum lives kinda nearby) and I ahve had periods for about 3 years now. They are regular. The problem is that I am due on my period when I am going on a trip to Spain with my school (I'm 15). I want to delay it so...

1. How can I?

2. Do I need to tell my dad and if so, how would I go about this?

Holiday is in two weeks by the way and I am due for the day we leave.

Thanx for any advice!





  1. go to the dr's hun and tell them your going on hol and ask for northisterone. This shall postphone your period. You take one pill three times a day and its perfectly safe and wont harm you in anyway. I know some people think its silly to 'mess around,' with things such as periods but sometimes you just have to. Especialy as you are going on a trip since i know you wish to enjoy yourself and if (for exampe) your going on a bus which i know alot of schools do then i know i wouldnt want to have to sit all that time whilst on my period!

  2. You can only delay it if you are on the pill and it usually doesn't work the first time.  Instead of taking the sugar pills you just open a new pack and start taking those.  You will probably still spot though if it is the first time you have done it.

  3. i think the only way to delay your period is with birth control pills, but i don't think 2 weeks is enough time to make that happen.

    use tampons?

  4. Just go anyways, take what you need with you and you will be fine. You cant go throught life not doing things just because you are on your period. It will be ok, I promise. Just pack your pads or tampons, whatever you use and go. Good luck.

    Mother of a 3 year old and 4 1/2 months prego.

  5. You can't delay it.  Some girls skip pills to do this but that throw everything off and is not a good idea.

  6. you could go to the doc and start on birthcontrol...two weeks should be enough time, just start the pills the day you get them. i delay my period through bc...i only get one once every four months now, it's awesome!

  7. My freinds and I travel and someone is always on there period. It can be a pain but its not a big deal at all.

    But just tell your dad....I would tell my dad. Ask him to take you to the doctor and get some pills.
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