
Telling my mom that I smoke?

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I'm 14, too. I know it's bad and 'I shouldn't be doing it' but it's calming and helps me. I, however, can't go a day without wanting one/having one now. I'm pretty sure that she knows by now, so I might as well say it, but I don't know how she'll react to me actually saying it. I was thinking of writing a letter and leaving it for her to see, but is that a good idea?

We're not that close so I don't know how to tell her.....what should I do?




  1. i started smoking when i was 14, and if your mom doesn't smoke, she already knows.  The smell will remain in your clothes, your hair, etc.  Maybe she is waiting for you to tell her, which raises the trust level, and it will be out in the open.  

  2. Ask her to help you STOP SMOKING.

  3. Your lungs are going to look like sh*t when you get 25. So many teens thing oh it won't happen to me but cancer can happen to you! I suggest you stop now! What a bad habit to start with so young!

  4. Just tell her. Smoking is really dangerous but I'm not going to judge you.

    Just tell her you'd like to share something with her and you need her to try and understand. Make sure to choose a good time and be honest.

  5. You seriously need to quit now while you're young. You are not as addicted as you think, as you get older your dependency on nicotine increases and it is the hardest thing in the world to quit. Trust me, i wish i could go back in time and never start, I am struggling with this habit and it is hard. I love smoking, it makes me feel good. But it will kill me one day. Not an if, IT WILL! Tell your mom you smoke and ask her to help you quit plzzzzz. You will thank me later.

  6. Honestly? You're killing yourself. You're 14 and got yourself addicted to Cigarettes...Wow.  

  7. Why do you smoke? And how do you get cigarettes? The smoking age is 18. Your 14. How do you get cigarettes?

  8. "Mom, I have to talk to you about something. I've decided to kill myself. But don't worry, it will be gradual so I'll still be around for a while. I'm probably sure  you've noticed that I smell like an ashtray so don't make that surprised/horrified look. And don't blame yourself or your parenting skills. I made the decision to calm my so-called problems. Well, I guess you're kind of to blame because if I was better supervised or if we were a bit closer I wouldn't feel the need. so yeah. You should get me a good life insurance plan. And take all the money out of my college fund because I know how expensive fuenerals can be. I won't need it, -l'm probably going to end up a bum anyways." Well, that's how I would do it. If you want something more subtle, a letter would work to.  

  9. Have some balls and just say it to her face.

  10. smoking will definitely NOT help you later on if you keep smoking.

    just tell your mom you smoke and ask for help

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