
Telling the kids the truth?

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When do you think is the right age to tell your child that Santa is fake or the tooth fairy and such..My daughter will be 8 next month and she still believes in him, she's so cute, when her younger sister (5) misbehaves, she writes Santa a letter saying her sister is being naughty and actually puts it in the mailbox for the mail carrier to pick up, of course i take it out but she don't know that. Im wondering if now is a good age to tell her or maybe she should of been told earlier..she's about to go to 3rd grade and I don't know what other kids believe but I don't want my little girl made fun of cause she truly does believe in him still. If it's the right time, how should I say it to her? What and how did you tell your kids? Thanks in advance!




  1. I've wondered about this myself, as my 7 year old is still very much a believer.

    I have come to the decision that when she asks if Santa is real, I will respond with, "Do you really want to know?". If she says, "Yes", then I will tell her the truth.

  2. dont tell her, she'll eventually figure out that stuffs not real by the time she gets to 5th or 6th grade when other kids are telling her that.

  3. I think 8 is old enough to know. I remember in 5th grade there was a boy who still believed in him, and everyone made fun of him. But you can wait a year if you want, and don't let her tell her little sister.

  4. If she is at least 10 and still hasn't questioned you that would be the time to tell her.Remember that once both your kids find out,Christmas will never be the same so choose the time wisely IF you are going to tell her.But some kids don't even need to be told and can find out on their own.She will probably like it if she can find this out on her own without you wrecking her fantasy of Santa.Eventually it will dawn on her that no santa+no toothfairy+no easter bunny=no more holiday fun.

  5. well i belived in santa claus tell i was 5 and then my cousins ruind it for me i belived in the totth fariy tell i was 10 and the easter bunny tell iwas 12

  6. Wait until she comes to you with the question if he is real. We talked to our girls when they asked and then explained it was not acceptable for them to tell their siblings.


    as long as they still believe dont crush that!

    let your child believe until she is ready, she will find out later in life!!!

    dont crush your child's childhood!!! PLEASE!

  8. maybe wait til she asks or maybe after 4th grade which ever comes first

  9. Well i think you as the parent should decide if she is too young

    if she is doing thhat stuff she does not have santa as an idol

    i was told in 1st grade and wish i wasn't told so early

  10. You don't tell them anything.  She will outgrow those fantasies on her own.

  11. Let her be a kid as long as she can. It pasts by to quickly. Its good for all ages to imagine and dream.

  12. Well, I think that Santa isn't a good idea in the first place because is gives children false hope. I think you should tell them like my mom told me. "I know you might not want to talk to me anymore but Santa (etcetera) isn't real and I think you should know the truth."

  13. i was 10 when i was told santa wasnt real...i was really mad @my mom, but got over it and i pretty much didnt think the tooth fairy was real because there would be no money under the pillow

  14. lol u really shouldnt because tat'll make her disapointed

    i reccoment just letting them no the truth by themself

    i still remember how i learn santa wasnt real (i cought my parents putting my gifts in the tree)

    and trust me if ur kids think that the tooth fairy is realy then by the time ther they lost all ther baby tooths ULL BE BROKE! (lol i no im a beet to dramatic)

  15. I use to wonder the same thing. My oldest is now ten (she probably seriously doubts Santa). I always go on about Santa, the tooth fairy and Easter bunny. She told me last year that the kids said there was no Santa- I told her they wouldn't get gifts from him then. LOL

    I don't care if she believes in Santa until her own kids are born. Maybe at that time it will be a good idea to mention that she needs to get some wrapping paper.


  17. She'll catch on eventually, my parents never really told me, she'll get out of it.

    Just a thought,

    MAYBE, just MAYBE, she already knows that it's you, and she's just acting this way to get what she wished for! Ha, that's what I did, and I still do. Just kidding :]

    But she could be doing that.

    You should just let her figure it out, she needs to have some sort of a little creativity and imagination :]

    Hope I've helped(:

  18. OMG Santa is FAKE!!???

    Lol Just kidding, yeah my parents never told me that Santa or the tooth fairy was fake lol, I know their fake now, I knew when I was about 11. I was suspicious when I was about 8-10 years old. I started becoming suspicious because the tags on the presents that ' santa ' got me said Santa in my mom's hand writing lol.

    Anyways, I think once they start middle school they find out from kids at school, so I think it would be best ot tell them before they started middle school. Like you said, you don't want your daughter to tell her friends what santa got her for christmas when she is 11/12 years old and get made fun of.

    I think 10 is a good age to tell the truth, make sure you eventually tell her straight to her face though! I still somewhat believed even when I was about 12 years old because I was never told the truth, i found out myself throughout the years.

  19. they usually find out in school from other kids i stopped believing when I was 5 thanks to my older sister

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