
Telling the pubic school they are fired?

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I live in Illinois, and I have been reading up on the laws and all that. But how exactly do I tell the school that I am going to homeschool my son from here on out? I should mention that my son has AS, adhd, bipolar and a few others. He is being bullied and harrassed to the point wheres he's hurting himself. Therefore I called for an emegency IEP meeting. I just dont know how to go about telling them that they are not protecting him and I will not be sending him back etc... I know they will fight me because academically hes do wonderful..I just cant take it anymore and want to homeschool him. any advice? Please only real answers.




  1. It's pretty simple. You go to the school office and withdraw him. When they ask what school to send the records to tell them I'm going to try homeschooling. They may try to argue with you or tell you that you can't but as long as you have the law on your side (and you do) they can't stop you!

    When I pulled my kids they told me I had to go to the school board. I went and they said I didn't have to go there just to the school. I went back and told them that if they gave me trouble pulling them then I was calling HSLDA ( I was already a member) and they could deal with the lawyers. They let me withdraw pretty easily after that. The lady swore my kids would be back by the end of the year and they would have to fail them but I laughed and told her they would never set foot in that school again. They haven't!

  2. I say it is always best to have someone els do it 4 ya

    i mean thats what id do!

  3. i think you have to have a docters note for him to be home schooled then the school cant fight you

  4. Do you actually have to go to the meeting?  I would call the school and tell them that I am not sending my son anymore, I am homeschooling him from now on.  Why put yourself through the meeting and having the possibility of being in a situation of having to defend yourself against people who are trained to believe they know more than parents do?  He's your child, not theirs.  

    Bravo, on your decision.  It's not going to be an easy path, but you know you are doing the right thing for him.

  5. You just tell them. Best to send the letter of intent to the school board and THEN tell them, that way no matter how many arguements they trow at you and no matter how much candy they hold under your nose, you will be firm in your decision since the deed has already been done. THey will likely try to convince you that you're making a mistake. They will likely try to tell you that you need to do a homebound program where he's still in the public school but instead of going there his teacher and all the work and public school bs is brought to him (thats what you would need a doctors note for). But you know that isn't your only option if you've researched REAL homeschooling. THey will try to use prom, field trips, football games, graduation, and college as arguements, but if you've done research you know that your son can have all of this, ESPECIALLY COLLEGE as a home schooler and that they aren't good reasons to stay in a place that does more harm than good. They'll throw socialization at you, but you probably know by now that your son will have better social opportunities as a homeschooler than he seems to have now in school. Just be strong. They can't stop you from homeschooling. They can just try to convince you it's a bad idea. You know better. Just be strong.

  6. In IL, I don't think  you don't need to do anything other than withdraw. But Google "homeschool laws by state" to be sure. I'd just be polite and give the school verbal notice. That way you are not harassed. No written notice about homeschool is necessary, I believe.

  7. You only have to show that you have been educating them 175 days a year in the basic courses required.

    That is the entire law.

    This means you need to show some work portfolios, text books, on-line or home study courses, essays, tests, etc.

  8. you can talk to the office about homeschooling and they can give you info.

    or you can go online and look for a virtual online school

    i just enrolled for an online school. they gave me everything free. computer, text books, cds, etc..

    you can try and look for one in your state.

    there are a lot of different options..

    And being homeschooled is the best choice ive made.

    it is a lot better than public school..


  9. COntact

    I live in Illinois, also.  All we needed was to send a letter telling them we were withdrawing our son from school and enrolling him in a private school.  In Illinois homeschools have the same legal standing as a private school.

    I do believe the letter has to be sent 2 weeks prior to withdrawing him.

    Do call HSLDA- they can even provide you with legal representation should the district fight you (you have to join but it is not much and it's good insurance for homeschool families).

    My son has a LD aslo.  Taking him out of public school was the best thing we have ever done.  He is now in college and doing well WITHOUT ANY ACCOMADOTIONS!  Your son will thrive at home!  Email me!

  10. They might be skeptical, but they can't fight you about it.

    Just tell it like it is. There's nothing they can do about it, it's completely your choice.

    My question is, though, what does your son want?

  11. I've done it twice and I've hated it both times.  Not because I was unsure of my decision but because it is so incredibly awkward.  They just looked at me like I was an awful, stupid parent who was nuts.  You have to kind of treat it like talking to a telemarketer...just keep on telling them the same answer, you don't have to go into any details.  You have the right to take your son out.  Most of the time I've noticed it's just involved a letter stating your intent, sometimes documentation of being under a charter/association (like here in SC).  But just be polite and smile alot.  It will make the situation tolerable.

  12. Every state has different requirements, but here's a link giving you the step by step procedure for your state.

    good luck!

  13. Just flat out tell them.  Send it to them in writing and withdraw him.  The guidance counselor or administration may try to get you to leave him there, as the school gets tax dollars for his attendance, but there's nothing they can do.  Homeschooling is legal, and you can take him out for any reason, simply by the virtue that you are his parent.

    Stand your ground and don't feel bad about doing what's right for your son.  Technically, you don't *have* to vocally tell them anything - your letter of intent will do, IEP or no IEP.

    Hope everything goes well, and hope your son improves quickly!

  14. All you have to do is formally and legally withdraw your child from the school. Do not even let them know ahead of time because they will bully you. Just walk in and do it, they can't do a thing about it.

    They are mad because they know they will be losing money if you take him out.

    After you withdraw him, follow the homeschool laws for your state  here =

    Please don't let them know ahead of time and don't have a meeting, they will bully you even more.

    Dont' let them intimidate you, this is YOUR child not THEIRS

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