
Telll me what this means?

by  |  earlier

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ok i had the wiredest dreams

for a coupple of nights its where i'm at a lake with ppl

i dont know(like i know them but im not friends with them)

and we all jump off the dock and then the next thing i know i'm

on a float with someone

and then this shark comes and attacks us but i some how get

to shore and then i wake up

i kind of find it funny and wierd.

haha so if any one can tell me any thing about it




  1. you want to be mr it amongst your friends ,but you are having trouble because of this one person you have to become the great one with  stangers,,,they are less competive for  im just running my head...enjoy the good outcomes with your dreams and dont worry about

  2. You may have or will be involved with someone who does not wish you well.  They will try to harm you but fortunately you will escape.


  3. it could mean you have over come some thing in life and are happy about it. or that a exsperence you had at the lake was fun and you are scared of sharks.

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