
Temper problem or disorder?

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I have this thing where when me and my boyfriend are laying in bed and we are perfectly fine then he will say something that i really dont like and pisses me off so i will start lecturing him then wen he pays me no attention i get even angry and start punching him, pinching him and screaming at him to get out of the bed and go sleep somewhere else. Or if we are at my house i tell him to go home. But when he does actually get up to leave i beg him to come back. Why do i do this?? We have been together 3 years and its been happening for 1 year. I also somtimes feel neglected by him, i dont no if i am or if its just me with a problem. PLEASE HELP




  1. Chances are, it's just your imagination. Or maybe he's "neglecting" you because you hurt him.

    You need to keep in mind that he is NOT just your puppet, and that he's an actual person. If something he says makes you angry, just take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Not every one is freaking perfect! He isn't always sure what's going to make you explode or not.

    Whatever you do, just be sure to watch yourself. If this keeps up, you may not be his "master" for long...

  2. Sounds like you are playing control games with him.

    Guess what...he matters too!!!!

    You kinda sound like a spoiled brat and I hope if your behavior doesn't change that he leaves you. You are abusing him. That's f*cked up!

    I had a temper problem myself, we have to understand that WE are the problem!

    For you to think it may be a disorder is you making yourself the victim. You have to control yourself. When you feel like manipulating him to do and say what you want him to....just shut your mouth and don't punish him.

  3. When you have a temper that you cannot control and causes harm, physical or emotional to yourself or others it is a disorder. You don't want to live like this, get help, only the bravest do.

  4. I have lived with moderate depression all my life.  It's not just an attitude - it is a chemical imbalance in the brain.

    That being said, I've experienced what you have.  I don't think, as some of the other posters so *delicately* put it, that you're just being a brat and playing mind games with him.  With depression, the people around us become extremely important.  I remember finding myself in tears when my husband forgot to give me a hug when he got home from work one day.  I can sometimes become almost uncontrollably annoyed with someone, to the point that I need to ignore them in order not to say something I'll regret.  On occasions, I have gotten so upset that I've gotten out of bed to sleep on the couch (*I'm incredibly lucky that my husband is used to this reaction by now and knows that all I really want is for him to make me feel like he loves me again by coming to get me).

    Depression is easily treated - you can even take combinations of vitamins rather than an actual anti-depressant.  But you really should talk to someone about it - preferably a doctor who can point you in the right direction.

    All the Best.

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