
Temples in Greece??

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Hi, does any know of any place in Greece where there are temples devoted to LORD HADES or as romans call him Pluto. This isn't a joke so answer only if you're serious. Also if you know the name of the temple or its ruins that would do to.

Thanks to all of you!!




  1. THERE WHERE at least 9  places of the HADES cult in the ancient world.. 7 of them where in greece 1was in anatolia(turkey) 1 was in sicily(italy) ..the first 7 where in..atticka/ korinthis/ argolis/ lakonia/ elis/ phokis/ thespotia/  ..... karia was in turkey  and kyme in sicily.... as far as actually temples i am not sure but these where diffentley places where  there was cult followings of hades.. you can read up on this huge site about hades very interesting site..

  2. Another site that was believed to be the door to Hades is cape Tainaro in the Mani, in southern Peloponnese.

  3. Hades was a hateful and feared God by the people, due to what he represented, although himself wasn't depicted as evil but neutral in a sense. The only thing i found was the necromanteion in wikipedia, which is not exactly a temple..

    "The Nekromanteion is the Ancient Greek Temple of Necromancy. It is situated on an archaeological site located in northwestern Greece overlooking the Acheron river. This temple is famous for having relations to Greek cults involved in Necromancy.

    This site was believed to be the door to Hades, the realm of the dead. The word Nekromanteion means oracle of death, and the people came here to talk with their late ancestors.

    The Nekromanteion of Ephyra is the only oracle of the death in Greece. It belonged to the Thesprotians, an early Greek tribe who settled in this area about 2000 B.C.. It was even mentioned by Homer, who obviously knew of the place.


    In Mesopotamo. 52km south of Igoumenitsa, 20km south of Parga."
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