
Temporary loss of peripheral vision?

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I have had a few differentt instances where I loose my peripherall vision for about 20 min or so. The last time it happened I was sitting on the couch watching T.V. and nothing else was going on. I had no pain with this, my eyes seemed to have black floaterss everywhere I looked and I could not see out of the sides at all. All I could see out of the sides was salt and pepper. I go to the eye doctor for it Thurs. but have been looking up online and can't decide if it is one of these migraines that impair your vision. I did not have any other problems and I was not stressed. I do have a history of high eye pressure, but the doc. says its not to high and not to worry just yet. Has anyone else had a similar instance or any idea what it might be? Just though I would ask for piece of mind like I said I go to the doc. thurs. for it.




  1. Please see a doctor immediately.  This could indicate that something very serious is wrong.

  2. Sounds like a migrane aura.  

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