
Temporary numbness in fingertips?

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I was spraypainting for a couple of hours yesterday morning. When I was done, the tips of two of the fingers I was using most to hold down the spray bottle were numb. It's happened before when I've done stuff like that. The numbness has not spread and has probably lessened somewhat - but they're still numb! When should I start to panic?




  1. You shouldn't panic.  You most likely lost circulation for some time while pressing the spray nozzle.  That is good, but it isn't bad either.  Are the tips of your fingers pink? if so, you haven't done any damage at all.

    What you may have very well done is pressured the nerve endings in your fingertips.  If so, they need a little time to heal, but I wouldn't go see a doctor over this.

  2. massage them...the numbness is because the pressure of holding something caused decreased blood flow to the area...stimulate circulation and the numbness should go away.  

  3. You should not start to panic at any time.  Do as hecla said and massage it and exercise it.  It will be fine.

  4. dont worry its probably a prolonged cramp.

    or ur blood is not circulating,DONT WORRY,itll flow normally soon.

    if this continues tell ur parents or doctor.

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