
Ten Points, Two easy math questions?

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1)A speedboat takes 1 hour longer to go 24 miles up a river than to return. If the boat cruises at 18 miles per hour in still water, what is the rate of the current?

2)Solve the equation by introducing a substitution that transforms the equation to quadratic form.

t^(-2/3) - t^(-1/3) - 30=0

Give exact answers in form of fraction. Write the answers in ascending order.




  1. 1)

    the time speedboat uses to go down river (return):

    time = distance / speed

    time = 24 / (18 + x) , where x is the waterspeed (rate) in river downstream

    going up river it takes 1 hour more:

    time + 1 = 24 / (18 - x)

    24 / (18 + x)  + 1 = 24 / (18 - x)

    (24 + 18 + x) / (18 + x) = 24 / (18 - x)

    (42 + x) (18 - x) = 24 (18 + x)

    756 + 18x - 42x - x^2 = 432 + 24x

    324 - 48x - x^2 = 0

    x1 = -54 mph (not valid since water speed is positive)

    x2 = 6 mph

    water current is 6 mph


    t^(-2/3) - t^(-1/3) - 30 = 0 , t^(-1/3) = u

    u^2 - u - 30 = 0

    u1 = -5

    u2 = 6

    t^(-1/3) = -5

    (t^(-1/3))^-3 = -5^-3

    t = -0,008

    t^(-1/3) = 6

    (t^(-1/3))^-3 = 6^-3

    t = 0,0046

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