
Ten points! My church is having vacation bible school and the theme is following jesus. Any snack ideas? Thank

by Guest58579  |  earlier

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Remember that kids will eat this!





    and say its in the shape of those things that angles have on top of their heads

  2. Make PB&J sandwiches and cut them out with a Cross cookie cutter (available everywhere) .....or even Jello Jigglers cut out with the cookie cutter ...... Goldfish crackers

  3. 1.Fish sticks and bread sticks (miracle of loaves and fishes) Matthew 15:32 to end

    2. Wheat crackers with sesame seeds (parable of the sower and the seed) Mark 4:3-9

    3.Grapes (miracle of water into wine) John 2:1-11

    4.Fig Newtons (parable of the budding fig tree) Matthew 24:32

    5.Hot dogs with mustard (parable of mustard seed) Mark 4:30-32

  4. 1 gallon of water and 1 loaf of bread... say 1 prayer... get 1 miracle... it turns into a snack for 1 week.

  5. Maybe bake cupcakes and use cookies-cutters, in the shape of angles or jesus.

  6. Chips,Popcorn,Debbie snack cakes, Anything with sugar.

    Drinks: Kool-Aid Jammers, Caprisuns, Hawaiian Punch,Apple Juice,Sprite, Pepsi, Sierra Mist,Lemonade

  7. I remember I went to bible week and what they did was relate each fruit to a characteristic of God.

    Banana meant kindness.

    Grapes for forgiveness. and so on and so on.

    It worked out really well but we didn't eat any of it.

    And these were really healthy fruits.

  8. Cheetos, I read on yahoo that they come in the shape of Jesus on the cross now...

  9. chips and drinks.... .. ......i think.....

  10. Tomato soup with salt,pepper, and sour cream.Recipe on the back of a

    Campbell's Tomato soup can in any grocery store aisle.

    and if possible to barbacue, chicken is good,but let's go with hamburgers and hot dogs with all the fixin's.Kid's can't make these things but will enjoy.

  11. cookies in the shape of angels and jesus if you can find any

    grape or cranberry  juice (its suppose to be wine)



    fruits like grapes, apples, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, cherries, pears, lemon etc...

  12. why not get chicken nuggets(frozen packs) that you put into the oven while the program is going on, or get lots of pasta sauces, and pasta's and prepare it while there, or even get lots of burger meats for the oven or if u guys have a grill at your church u can barbecue it while the kids are in the programs.OR if u don't want to go through with the actual cooking, then get lots of lunch meats, like ham, pepperoni sausages, turkey w/ cheese and prepare sandwiches for them w/ chips on the side and fruit juice boxes, that what we prepared for the kids in our church for our VBS last Summer!

  13. haha cook chicken fingers then call them spirit fingers like in that movie  superstar . apple slices , tell them an adam and eve type thing . get bananas , put a slit in them  poor chocolat into the slit  put penuts or fruit or what have you inside them freeze them . and its like noah's ark :) honestly . I have no idea what im talking about , kinda just came up with it on the spot so hope it helps

  14. Cross shaped or angel shaped cookies.  I have seen cross cookie cutters that come with Easter cookie cutters and angels with Christmas cutters.  I'm sure any cake decorating store would have them or there's probably a simple way to make your own.  Decorate them with frosting, or better yet, take a variety of colored frostings and let the kids do it themselves!  They would also have mint/chocolate molds in Biblical/religious shapes at cake decorating stores.  That's another idea that would work well and melting mints/chocolates come in a variety of fun colors!

  15. Recipes

    Edible landscapes

    Chariots of Cheese

    Away in a Manger


    Tuna Schooners (Fishing boats)

    Sheep Treats


    Jellybean prayer

    He is Risen Snack

    Resurrection (Easter) cookies

    Graham cracker stars (Epiphany)


    Edible Landscapes

    Theme: God made good food for our enjoyment.

    Scripture Spotlight 1: "God said, 'Look, I have given…food for you'" (Genesis 1:29)

    Scripture Spotlight 2: "All living things look to you for food, and you give it to them at the right time" (Psalm 145:15)

    Collect: Sturdy paper plates and your choice of colorful foods such as broccoli, carrots, celery, cauliflower, blue finger gelatin, lettuce, coconut, and mini muffins. Here's What to do: Set food items out on a table and give each child a sturdy paper plate. Invite children to make landscapes with the food. Let children choose food they like to eat and arrange them to form landscapes. Blue finger gelatin can become a lake or river, cauliflower and broccoli can make trees and bushes, ad coconut can become snow on top of a mini muffin mountain. Encourage kids to use their imagination and creativity to make delicious and attractive pictures. Be sure everyone displays his or her landscape before eating it!

    For further fun:

    Let children enjoy their edible landscapes in small groups. Encourage them to name good and beautiful things in God's creation as they eat their landscape creations.

    Have kids create an enormous landscape on a large piece of cardboard (or maybe covered with a vinyl tablecloth). Perhaps it can resemble a park near your church.

    [From page 8, Bible Story Crafts & Projects Children Love]

    Chariots of Cheese

    Theme: God takes his followers to heaven.

    Scripture Spotlight 1: "A chariot of horses of fire appeared and separated Elijah from Elisha. Then Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind" (2 Kings 2:11b)

    Scripture Spotlight 2: "There are many rooms in my Father's house; I would not tell you this if it were not true. I am going there to prepare a place for you" (John 14:2)

    Collect: Refrigerator biscuit dough, grated cheddar cheese, baking sheets, rolling pins or large cups, and waxed paper.

    Here's what to do: Have kids wash their hands. Give each student three pieces of refrigerated biscuit dough and a sheet of waxed paper. Set the grated cheese and rolling pins in the middle of the table so everyone can reach them.

    Using a rolling pin (or cup), show kids how to roll one biscuit into a small rectangle. Then have students press their other biscuits into the bottom of the rectangle to make wheels (you may only need to split one piece of biscuit dough for two wheels).

    Allow kids to sprinkle their chariots with grated cheese to resemble fire before transferring them to baking sheets. Bake according to package directions.

    For further Fun:

    As children enjoy their snack, have them talk about things they're anticipating about heaven.

    [From page 35, Bible Story Crafts & Projects Children Love]

    Away in a Manger

    Collect: Marshmallow creme, fat pretzel rods, graham crackers, frosted shredded wheat cereal, and paper plates.

    Here's what to do: Set all the materials in the middle of the table and give each child a paper plate. Have kids begin by breaking up several pieces of frosted shredded wheat cereal and putting it on their plates.

    Give children each four pretzel sticks (halved rods) and instruct them to put their pretzels into pairs. Then show kids how to stick each pair together with marshmallow creme. Show them how to lean one-fourth of a graham cracker on each of the pretzel pairs to form mangers. Have kids glue the crackers to the pretzel pairs, using the marshmallow creme. Then allow students to fill the manger with the shredded-cereal "hay". Before kids enjoy their manger treats, have everyone sing "Away In A Manger" to remember the lowly place where Jesus -a king- was born.

    [From page 58, Bible Story Crafts & Projects Children Love]


    Theme: God uses difficult situations for good.

    Scripture Spotlight 1: "The angel said, 'Paul, do not be afraid. You must stand before Caesar. And God has promised that he will save the lives of everyone sailing with you.' So men, have courage" (Act 27:24-25a).

    Scripture Spotlight 2: "We went through fire and flood, but you brought us to a place with good things" (Psalm 66:12b)

    Collect: One banana per student, paper plates, plastic knives, and peanut butter (optional: roasted peanuts and chocolate syrup)

    Have kids wash their hands, then form groups of three. Instruct each child to choose one of the following roles: Boat peeler, boat splitter, or boat filler. Explain that the boat peeler will peel the bananas and set each one on a paper plate, the boat splitter will cut each banana down the middle, and the boat filler will spread peanut butter on one half each banana and place the halves back together. You may have kids "storm" their banana boats with chocolate syrup and roasted peanuts as a finishing touch. Then have each trio serve its banana boats to another trio.

    For Further Fun:

    Have kids write on slips of paper things they're thankful for, then spear the slips of paper with toothpick. Kids can stick the toothpicks in the banana boats as masts and sails.

    As kids eat their boats, have them talk about how God has helped them through hard times.

    [From page 111, Bible Story Crafts & Projects Children Love]

    Tuna Schooners (Fishing Boats)

    1 - 3 ¼ ounce can tuna, drained and flaked

    ¼ cup mayonnaise or salad dressing

    ¼ cup chopped apple

    2 Tablespoons sunflower nuts

    2 whole grain English muffins

    8 triangular tortilla chips

    In a small mixing bowl combine tuna, mayonnaise or salad dressing, chopped apple, and sunflower nuts. Mix well. If desired, cover and chill.

    Split and toast the English muffins. On each muffin half, spread one fourth of the tuna mixture.

    For sails, insert two tortilla chips, short side down, into the tuna mixture on each muffin.

    Makes 4 servings.

    [Better Homes and Gardens Kids' Snacks, copyright 1985]

    With these sandwiches, be sure to serve fish crackers and gummy worms!

    Sheep Treats

    Theme: Was are all unique and special.

    Scripture Spotlight 1: "Be careful. Don't think these little children are worth nothing" (Matthew 18:10a)

    Scripture Spotlight 2: "Together you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of that body" (1 Corinthians 12:27).

    Collect angel food cake, white frosting, flaked coconut, pretzel sticks, green food coloring, a large cookie sheet, plastic knives, and sealable bags.

    Here's What To Do: Give each child a square of angel food cake and a plastic knife. Instruct each one to sculpt a lamb from his or her square of cake then frost it and roll it in the flaked coconut. Give each student four pretzels to use as legs. Show the kids how to insert the pretzel sticks into the bodies.

    Form pairs and give each pair a sealable bag filled with coconut flakes. Have partners put two drops of green food coloring into their bag, seal it, then work together to squeeze the coconut around with the food coloring. When the coconut turns green, have the kids pour it out onto a large cookie sheet to make a pasture.

    Have the children place their lambs on the pasture. See if children can pick out their own lambs from the herd by recognizing special markings and traits. Allow the kids to show off their lambs before they eat them!

    For Further Fun:

    Provide other edible decorations such as sprinkles, colored sugar, and jimmies to help kids create unique sheep.

    As soon as you've positioned all the lambs in the green coconut pasture, take a photograph of it. Show the photo the following week and see how many children still recognize their own lambs (the true test of a good angel food cake shepherd).

    [From page 95, Bible Story Crafts & Projects Children Love]


    Pineapple rings

    Bananas cut in half

    Carrot strips cut with a vegetable peeler for flame, or pitted cherries

    Nuts, candies or other fruits to decorate (optional)

    Have children place one pineapple ring on a plate or lettuce leaf, for the base of the candle. Take half of the banana as the candlestick, and top with the carrot strip or cherry. Decorate with additional items if desired.

    The Jellybean Prayer

    (Tune: "Pop Goes The Weasel")

    An egg full of jellybeans, colorful and sweet,

    Reminds me of God's bounty with this Easter treat!

    RED is for the blood Christ gave.

    GREEN is for the palms' cool shade.

    YELLOW is for God's light so bright.

    ORANGE is for prayers at twilight.

    BLACK is for sweet rest at night.

    WHITE is for the grace of Christ.

    PURPLE is for his days of sorrow.

    PINK is for each new tomorrow.

    An egg full of jellybeans, colorful and sweet,

    Reminds me of God's bounty with this Easter treat!

    Fill small, plastic eggs with each color of jelly bean from the poem. Send one home with each child along with a copy of the poem to be shared with his or her family during family devotions.

    [Teaching Units, Church Year Celebrations, Grace Publications, Page 29]

    He Is Risen Snack

    Materials needed: Glazed doughnuts and doughnut holes

    Directions: Cut each doughnut in half and give each child one half. Have the children stand their doughnut on its cut edge to be the "tomb". Next, give each child a doughnut hole "stone" to use to close the tomb. Tell the children to count the days 1, 2, 3 and roll the stone away. Have them shout, "He Is Risen" and enjoy their snack.

    [Teaching Units, Church Year Celebrations, Grace Publications, Page 29]

    Resurrection (Easter) Story Cookies

    You need:

    1 c. whole pecans  1 tsp. vinegar  3 egg whites pinch salt  

    1 c. sugar  zipper baggie  wooden spoon; tape Bible

    Preheat oven to 300° F. Place pecans in zipper bag

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