
Ten points SOOOOO Easy!!!!?

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Ok heres a Riddle:

If 6 men take 6 days to dig 6 holes,

how long does it take 3 men to dig half a hole?

If 2 answers are the same... i'll choose the first one...

so.... if you can't do it, you are deemed to cabbage sitting, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!





  1. No such thing as a half hole, it's either a hole or it aint a hole lol

  2. 5 minutes they get there wives to do it : )

  3. Forever/never.  You can't dig half of a hole.

  4. half a hole?


    erm just a couple of seconds.

    is it not erm deemed (deemed???) a hole as soon as their spade hits the ground?

  5. A hole is still a hole no matter how much you dig.

    so therefore the answer is: however long it takes to make one dig.

    But then again there is no such thing as half holes.

    This question has two answers. >=[

  6. 8 hours

  7. 3 hours

  8. 1 day!

  9. 1 Day.

  10. Hold on, give me a second.

    I already knew this before I read the answers, duh.

    Anyway, I'm too late.


    *drum roll* dun dun dunnnnn....

    There isn't such a thing as half a hole!

    OMG How could I possibly know that :]

    Anyway just for laughs let's do the maths behind it, say they dug a hole initially 2 metres deep, well then half the hole would be one metre... so it would take....drum rolll...




    1 day :]

    that is if we use values.

    Anyway, yes you can't dig half a hole.

    I would underline that as a final answer. Voila!


  11. 3 men = 6 holes = 12 days

    3 men = .5 holes = 1 day

  12. 1/6 of 1 day

  13. 1/3 of a day

  14. One day

  15. 1 day

  16. you cant dig half a hole

  17. half a day...

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