
Ten points for the first correct anser :)?

by Guest56770  |  earlier

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There was a guy stuck in a metal room with a metal door.The door was locked and there were no windows. The following items were inside the room:

a piano, table,a saw,and a bat.

How did the man get out? there are three possiblilities




  1. Mizscha - I have to say, that was brilliant! lol

  2. he played the Piano to let the Guards know he was still there ,

    then pushed the table across the door-way.

    he then sat under the able with the bat and waited for the Guard to deliver the evening meal.

    when the guard opened the door , he hit him across the shins and made his escape.

    the other guards did not notice until they found that the first guard hadn`t returned from his rounds , because all of the other prisoners were howling for their meals.

    by this time , the first prisoner was long gone.

  3. First, he played the piano until he found the right key.

    Second, he sawed the table in half then held the two pieces together. Two halves make a whole.(hole)

    Third, he swung the bat three times. Three strikes, he's out.

  4. he used the keys from the piano to unlock the door

  5. Mizcha is right.

  6. 1st - He played the piano untill he found the right key.

    2nd- He sawed the table in half then held the two pieces together two halves make a whole. {hole}

    3rd - he swung the bat three times , and three strikes he out.

  7. Jonathan Creek would have a better answer than word play!

  8. He used the saw to break the door.

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