
Ten points to the first one who answers correctly, this is a riddle

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Fred and Jim, two popular politicians, met at a club to discuss the overthrow of their party leader. They each ordered a vodka on the rocks. Jim downed his and ordered another. He then drank his second in a gulp and decided to wait before he ordered a third.

Meanwhile, Fred, who was sipping his drink, suddenly fell forward dead. Both men were setup for an assassination. Why did Fred die and Jim live?




  1. Fred and Jim were both given drinks with poisoned Ice Cubes.  Jim drank his drink so fast that the ice cubes didn't have time to melt.

  2. The ice cubes had poison in them and since Jim drank both quickly, the ice cubes didn't have time to melt and release poison into the drink like what happened with Fred's drink. Fred drank his vodka slowly so that the poison had time to release into his drink and kill him.

  3. Because there was poison in the ice cubes.

    Jim's ice cubes didn't have time to melt because he drank his drinks too quickly..

    Because Fred sipped his drink..his ice cubes melted releasing the poison into his drink.

  4. there was poison in fred's drink(the ice was the poison)

  5. i was gonna say that jim is really voldemort and fred just HAD to die cuz jkr said so.

    but the ice cube thing sounds better.

  6. There was poison in the ice, and since Fred sipped his drink like a girl, the ice had time to melt, releasing poison into his drink.


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