
Ten reasons to love Tiger Woods despite all odds (Part 1)

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Ten reasons to love Tiger Woods despite all odds (Part 1)
Yes, he isn’t perfect. Who is by the way? The golfer, who has retained his world number one ranking despite performing mediocre throughout this season, started his golf career in 1996. The proverb that “He came, he saw, he conquered” fits him in all its definition. Despite the fact that he cheated on his wife, for which he earned a lot of criticism from his fans, he is still a lovable player. Here are 10 good reasons to love Tiger Woods despite all odds.
1. He is a natural talent
It’s true that Tiger Woods wasn’t born with a putter in his hand but still he has a natural talent for golf. His family history tells us that he started copying his father’s swings at just the age of six months! Moreover, at 2 he made an appearance at the “Mike Douglas Show”.
This didn’t stop here as only a year later he shot a forty eight over nine holes at the New Hall golf club, California and also got his picture on front page of the golf digest. It is evident that at first it was his natural talent that earned him the early fame but later it was his love for work ethics that got him where he is today.
2. He is a hard worker
Almost everyone has the ability to work hard but some use it and even few channelize it in the right direction. Woods is one of those players who believe that practice makes a man perfect, therefore, when he makes a major shot on the last hole on a certain Sunday; he has already practiced it beforehand several times with visualization.
According to the Golf digest, Woods is known for delivering a thousand shots on daily basis to make his game perfect but these stats seem to have been applied while he was in his formative years. Moreover, being the youngest golfer at junior amateur events, Tiger had to work harder than his competitors. So he practiced more.
3. He is physically fit and in shape
How many golfers are in perfect shape at present? Practically none seem to be. But Tiger woods falls in that category of people who believe that being best means to be an all rounder. Therefore, unlike most professional golfers Tiger spends a considerable time on his fitness that helps him attain a posture which most golfers envy.
This seems to be the reason why he doesn’t have to wear those baggy shirts in order to hide tons of fatty slabs. Instead, he is usually seen in his comparatively fitted Nike attires in which his curves are clearly visible.
4. He is generous
If someone thinks that Tiger Woods recently started appearing at the charity fund raisers to wipe off his dirty image, then he is wrong. Tiger falls in that category of people who have always been involved in giving charity to the needy. He is a philanthropist, and that is proven by his support to various social foundations in the United States. He himself is still running the foundation that his father had launched twenty years ago to educate poor children.



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