
Ten years from now, will America will still be making cars that run exclusively on conventional gasoline?

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I sure hope that cars like these will soon be a thing of the past.

We need to move away from oil now.




  1. I heard there are big breakthroughs in using cat pancreas as a fuel, but they need to grow larger cats. There will b petroleum based cars in 10 years. But, I think the percentage will be around 50% which actually, is very good. The decline of carbon based cars will drop rapidly after that. Don't worry, it will all get better soon enough.

  2. When the price of oil shot up in the early 1970's, some people thought the world would be out of oil by now.  We have more economical cars and other pollution controls on industry.  So now that the sun can reach the earth, instead of the global cooling scare then, we now have a global warming scare.  But plants use CO2 to grow, so if we eliminate CO2, there will be less plants to soak up the sun, and it will get even hotter.

    To this day we do not have a more efficient, quickly fillable portable power than oil.  Ethanal consumes mass quatities food and energy in its production.  Hydrogen consumes natural gas and/or other energy in its production and is hard to handle.  Batteries have limited range.  People are afraid of nuclear power.  What other energy source do we know of that could provide mass quantities of energy for long range transport?

  3. It we didn't have cars that ran on gas.....what would we do with all that fossil fuels just setting around. I would say that even 50 yrs from now we will still have the majority of cars and trucks on the road that burn fossil I think they will get better gas mileage than anything we have right now...and the materials we make them from will be lighter.

  4. >>We need to move away from oil now.

    Yes we do.


    Like always we will always some need for gasoline and diesel.  But it will be specialty cases (like a giant dump truck).

    But for regular people, I hope we go all electric - soon.

    Good Luck...

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