
Tenants won't pay rent?

by  |  earlier

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what to do?

they said they would leave 1 1/2 months ago and did not pay this last month. and he said yeah yeah im a leave. then i rented the apt. and he let me show the apt. and he said theres lots or apt.s out there. im like okay. now two days ago he says no im staying ill leave next month. and i said no you said you would leave. and no i have no contract. but he agreed to stay what to do?

should i call us marshalls?

i live in nj




  1. IMMEDIATELY serve Notice on them.  Can get them at local stationery store or online.  READ up on NJ landlord/tenant law.  Don't wait to act.  Serve him notice, file in court for all back rent, court costs, and fees.  You have a lease, an oral month to month lease.  They haven't paid.  They have breached the lease.  They gave you verbal notice.  When it's verbal, always confirm it in writing, back to them.

    Waiting is a mistake, it all takes time.  ACT.

    PS  US marshalls will do nothing!  It's the local sheriff.

  2. I'm also a long time property manager.

    You hand him a 3 day eviction notice for nonpayment of rent and then contact an attorney immediately to start the process.

    Evicting a tenant is a complicated process that follows a specific procedure, and must be done correctly or you have to start all over again. You can NOT change the locks, can NOT impound his stuff, nor can hound him at work. This sort of action is illegal and will weaken your case against the tenant.  

  3. evict him, if he doesn't leave put all his stuff in front of the door and change the locks

  4. give him an eviction and if they don't get out, call your local sheriffs dept.  My mother-in-law had the same problem

  5. You should have filed for eviction the first time he did not leave when he said he would.

    You have to file an eviction with the court before you can call the sheriff to remove him.

    EDIT: Putting his stuff on the curb and changing the locks as Megzie said is ILLEGAL!!!  You can not do that!

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