
Tender/ tingly sensation-- please help..!!?

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I am trying to concieve with my 2nd . My symptoms at this point are that I have tender/ tingly sensation in my b*****s. This is also the same symptom, I have right before my period. Now I just cant wait.. to know whats happening with me..? Is there anyone else out there who has had the same issues like me??

Appreciate your answers.




  1. Yep, it happens to me every month and then I get AF.  Your mind can play horrible tricks on your body, making you believe that you are actually pregnant when you are not.  The only for sure thing to find out if you are pregnant is to take a test.  I'm sorry, I know that doesn't really help, but it's the truth.  Good luck!

  2. Im experiencing the very same thing!

    and my b***s usually get tender around when AF is due!

    BUT when ur pregnant they tend to feel alot more tender then usuall!

    Also ur nipples become really sensitive when ur pregnant to... Soo try looking out for that!?

    I hope u get a BFP =]

    ***BABY DUST***

  3. your b*****s feel hot,heavy and bruised when pregnant.not normally tingly.but everyones diff

  4. ME!!!! I had this problem and even dizziness and nausea, but I wasn't pregnant. It ended up being a phantom pregnancy. I wanted to be pregnant so bad that my body started making me think I was. Hopefully, yours is not this. I wish you luck and baby dust !! God Bless!

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