
Tennis! Do you have to be good at running to be good at tennis?

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Tennis! Do you have to be good at running to be good at tennis?




  1. Running, no....short sprints, yes.......Quick on your feet, Yes!

  2. Melissa you ever hear of wheel chair tennis?

    or ever watch Seniors play?

    Heck no you don't have to be good at running but you do have to be good at positioning.

    Getting to the ball early which may require 3 quick steps in any direction, and then excellent shot placement to make up for your lack of speed. I have beaten far beater players since breaking my foot just due to my big serve, great return game, and then well placed shots. Having great net coverage at 6'4" and a long reach helps too.

  3. Not really, but you can't be too slow.  Usually short people and fat people can't play on top in varsity teams because they can't run as fast as other skin and short people.  If you hit good, it won't be too bad either!

  4. no.. it doesnt really require that ur gud in's all about the technique. but it would require a quick feet and hands for fast reflex but it doesnt mean you nid to be gud in running.. And if ever u need to run its the adrenaline's job.. remember that "inside every human has hidden abilities waiting for a trigger" this adrenaline triggers ur body to run fast and do things which a normal person couldn't do without u noticing.. dont under estimate ur body..

  5. No actually being a lon distance runner is verybad all you need is decent strokes and above all being mentally strong like having good strategy thats what gets people to the top

  6. have to run to the other side of the court before the ball hits the ground twice. and if your too slow youll just miss it

  7. not really... short sprints

  8. basically no. but having some stamina will help you a lot. esspecially playing singles. being able to move around the court quickly and reset is a must.

  9. Not really. Just stand there and your opponent will be obliged to volley the ball directly to you. Easiest 2 points of the day.

  10. Well it would certainly help. You can have the power and placement of shots but if someone drops it over the net, your going to need a little bit of speed to reach the ball.

    At least one of the 3 most important things in Tennis.

  11. no as long as u can move around the court or just be a very clean hitter like lindsay davenport, who needs to run when u can make any shot from the baseline.

  12. yes and no u have to make mini sprints uround your side uf the court

  13. yes, and sprinting too.

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