
Tennis Doubles Partner Help?

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I play tennis for my highschool, and play on a high ranked doubles team with my best friend. He is a great player with an opposite personality on the court then me. When I'm fired up and throwing my racket, hes cool and calm. Were the same skill wise, but i need to know how to pump him up for those huge points.




  1. Hey, I've had the same issue. I play doubles with my twin brother and it used to be that. When I was relaxed and peaceful he was agressive and would sometimes get mad.

    Don't be afraid to talk to him about this. I don't know how long you have been playing together, but this sort of thing gets better the more you play with him... you'll start to drift together and get the best out of each other until you practically have the same mentality. Tell him how you feel and how this can help both of you. Try to find a middle feeling where you can both be cool and calm enough to stay focused and fired up enough to put balls away.

  2. i think that if you understood where i came from ed you would realize that i must be calm in order for us to win the games... you get to riled up over poor shots the you make and then you lose confidence or you just get down right angry.... many people will agree with me that tennis is a mental sport.. and that you need to be calm cool and collected to stay focused and be in the match... now i am equally just as pumped as you are most of the times in the match but the difference is i dont get angry... i let my shots go if i make bad ones... each point is in and of itself a whole new game...

    the best way to pump me up is just to be confident.. show me that your hitting your shots.. and also just be down right positive.. many will agree that no one wants to hear their doubles parnter angry.. yelling from time to time that "this is not the time" or "why dont we just give them the game"... that helps no one... but if you would please let your bad shots go.. i always say youll get them next time.. so once you learn to stay positive and not freak out every time you make one mistake.. or becuase your first serve doesnt go in every time.. i will then be able to be more excited in the game.. and be able to be more pumped up.. but until you learn to control yourself and mature mentally in the game of tennis... im going to have to contain myself and stay focused... which means it will seem like im not into the game....

    hope this helped

  3. Maybe he's the kind of player that does better if he just keeps calm all the time.  Believe me, he knows what's up on those huge points.  It's probably just better for him to let let them get to him.

    If he's really your best friend, he shouldn't mind you asking him.  I mean, nobody here can really tell you what's going to pump up somebody we don't know.

    In my high school doubles experience, I was the one fired up, and my parter was pretty calm all the time.  Sure, sometimes it felt like he wasn't even into the match, but I know that's just how he played.  And it was the other way around for us.  I don't play well when I'm too angry, so he was there to calm me down when I needed it.

  4. Doubles partners, ha, okay so i was double parteners with my older sister and well, we had the same problem, plus we fought constantly- but we were pretty good to say the least. But I was the one who was always calm and she was always trying to fire my up. But it was just annoying, This is how i play, I just don't freak out as much as her. She just needed to let me play the way that was best for me. And well it worked.

  5. Don't worry I've had that same problem. It is sort of hard  to change someones game on the court. What i did was run around the courts a couple times, and jump around too. Try talking to him before every point and help him get his head in the game. Sorry if this doesn't work!!!

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