
Tennis. How to stop Framing? Slice top spin?

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Lots of times in tennis i frame the ball a lot how can i stop doing that?

My other question is how to slice or put top spin so the opponent receiving your slice or top spin sees the ball skid on the ground going toward them. ( The opponent sees the ball skid and and the spinning of the ball stops and they can actually read the logo on the ball.)




  1. the best way to avoid framing the ball is to watch the ball longer and to keep your head still. if you want to slice or topspin the ball effectively the best way is to practice and take lessons with your local pro.

  2. The best way to stop framing balls is to work on your footwork and keep your eyes on the ball and don't take it off until you make contact with the ball.

    I'm not sure what you're asking on your second question, but if your asking how hit the ball with topspin and once it hits the ground the spin stops and it turns flat then that is impossible.  The only way to make the ball skid is to it it flat to begin with using the eastern grip.  

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