
Tennis Rule Question: Who's call when...?

by  |  earlier

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So, I'm playing doubles and I accidently hit my ball into the adjacent court of another doubles match being played.

I hit my errant ball behind one team (say team A), so I yelled "Ball On Court" to ALERT them of the "stray" ball! My understanding of the rules is that play stops at that point and the point is replayed. Their option!

Anyway, Team A chose to ignore the "extra ball" on their court and play out the point. Again, that is their option!

I then apologized for my errant shot and explained that I yelled "Ball On Court" to warn them as a SAFETY precaution! Potential injury!

However, a member of Team B said that it was NOT Team A's call to stop play; that ONLY Team B could stop play cuz "extra" ball was on Team A's side! ???

I've always understood the ruling was that WHENEVER ANYTHING falls on the court during a point (except dropping a racquet), the point is replayed! And ANYONE can make that call! Safety first!

Anyone know the exact ruling & a link?




  1. I'm sorry I couldn't find a direct link, but yes I agree with your call. Anyone (on the court of the hindering object of course) can make a "let" call and replay the point, regardless of what side it is on. If nobody makes the call to stop play at the moment of the incident, then the play must be counted.

  2. when a ball comes on your court, doesn't matter whose side it is on, either team a or b can call let. and replay the pt.

  3. when a foreign object is on the court during play, the play suspend and point to replay.

  4. While it was nice of you to alert the players that there was a ball on the court, in a professional match it is up to the players or the umpire to stop the play and replay the point.

    Even if neither of the players did not see the ball on the court, the rules state that the point must be replayed as there can't be any objects on the court during play.

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