
Tennis Tips??

by  |  earlier

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I am taking up tennis and know very little about the sport, just that it's a good workout and it's free. So if you have any playing tips, that would be great. I need to learn everything from grip to strokes, serving, returning, ball placement, anything you can think of would be a huge help.





  1. go to and to learn about tennis

    for videos click

    for articles click

  2. Tennis is a good sport to get into shape and it's fun!

    First, you should stretch, try to touch your toes (without bouncing) or as far as you can go. Also pull your arms behind your shoulders. This is so you don't pull any muscles or hurt yourself easily.

    Make sure when you swing the racket, bounce the ball on the ground lightly, and hit it with a level swing, so it goes over the net.

    You won't get the point if the ball bounces twice or more without you hitting it on the first bounce, you must hit it on the first bounce in order to get the point.

    If there is a tall fence where you're playing, hit the ball against it to practice your level swing, hit it in the middle of the fence.

    That's all I can explain in words for right now, just remember to have fun, stay safe, and learn lots. Take care!!

  3. It depends on if you are playing singles or singles to return a ball you always want to stand in the center because it makes it easier to run after the ball, bend your knees at all times(when returning), with backhands you want to use two hands for more balance so if you are a righty you want your right hand on the bottom and the left hand on the top, with your strokes you should be following through such as kiss your arm....bringing it all the way up to ur mouth, when serving you want to be behind the line and practicfe tossing the ball in front of u first making sure the ball lands near you... the ball should be high enough that it meets ur racket, always turn ur racket a little to give it a little spin...step foward with the ball and bend ur knees! In doubles it is the same rules but larger court and the key to doubles is COMMUNICATION and in singles its more about contol of the ball.

  4. Get out there with a tennis playing buddy and start hitting.  The more hits the better.

    One big tip - play tennis from your hips and feet (thats where power and accuracy come from).



  6. Take a class at a local community college.  Its one the cheapest ways to learn the sport.

  7. Remember to toss the ball in front of you when your serving. Bend your knees, and don't get too tense on the grip. On your ground strokes, remember to keep low and accelerate through the ball. To return, take a short backswing and don't apply too much power. Use your opponents power! =)
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