
Tennis coaches! what do i have to do??

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ok i want to become a pro tennis talking ana ivanovic style... anyway im 15 years old.

i had never in my WHOLE life even picked up a tennis racquet. we had to do tennis with our p.e class. at first i couldnt even hit the ball or serve or hold the racquet correctly.

we played tennis 2-3 times a week for 1hour and 30mins.

after 2 months of playing like that i have perfected my serve and forehand, started doing good volleys and backhands.

-i am determined to become a tennis pro.

-i will train hard every single day of the week for 2 hours or more.

-i will change my diet to make a healthy one with more fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates and more energy filled foods.

-in every given chance i will try to workout. eg. walk instead of catching the bus, do weights or leg excerices while watching t.v at any GIVEN chance!

-i will finesh all my schoolwork at school so instead of doing homework at home i can train hard.




  1. OK. I have about the same story as yours. If you are that determined to become a pro, then you should go for it. Find a country club or tennis center in or around your city or town. You can get a coach and some tennis lessons. And, even if you are not the best, it's really easy to enter local tournaments, if you can handle the $30-$40 it takes to be included in the draw. If you start doing well in those, you are off to bigger and better tournaments and you will be on your way to becoming a tennis pro. Remember, it's harder than it looks and it takes commitment.

    Good luck! It's not easy, so I wish you the best.

    ♥ jkbalen

  2. First off, don't base your style on Ana's - study Steffy Graf, who's tennis was absolutely beautiful. Also Martina Navritalova was fantastic (not sure how to spell her name). Justine's backhand is one to imitate.

    Ana is cute and all, but her tennis style is really not the best there ever was, so if you imitate her, you might not get very far.

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