
Tennis conditioning?

by Guest57752  |  earlier

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i want top know what exercises i can do in order to condition myself for tennis....i was thinking some sort of routine or practice that would help me while playing also has to be something that i could do alone...




  1. ... there is no way i can say this... because its called a PERSONAL TRAINER. how could people tell you what to do over the internet is beyond me when they know little about your body or anything. You could literally bounce a ball off your raquet if i were you....

  2. Conditioning exercises:

    Tracing lines (starting at the net on one side of the tennis court run backwards along the alley line until you're at the baseline of the court. Then sidestep once to get to the next line and sprint forwards along that line to the net. Continue tracing all the lines until you're at the other end of the court.

    Suicides (start at one end of the court and sprint to the farthest line on the other side of the court and back. Then sprint to the next farthest line and back. And so on and so on....)

    Footwork using a ladder

    Tennis practice by yourself :

    Get a ball machine and go to a court and hit balls.

    Practice your serve alone

    Find a wall and hit balls against the wall.

    Hope that helps...

    Good Luck

  3. Actually I bought something called a ladder online. It goes on the ground, and it really helps with footwork.  I don't know if you are looking for conditioning things like that that cost some money, but I used it for basketball and volleyball, and I bet it'd really work for tennis.  And you obviously know this stuff, but I would also take a run 1-3 times a week to work on your stamina and stuff.  Sorry, idk if that helped, but good luck with tennis conditioning!
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