
Tennis doubles?

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How can you be an effiecient player in tennis doubles? Tips or plays?




  1. Most important is not to hit it to the net person!  Also, don't yell at your partner, I don't know about you but whenever I make a mistake and my parner yells at me it really upsets me because I already know I screwed up.  Anyways, thats my suggestion.

  2. Get pumped, encourage, intimidate, be loud

  3. coordination and communication is very important.

  4. Have you ever heard of Operation Doubles? Kathy Krajco  has some excellent tips for doubles players.

  5. Zangetsu! u Quincy.

  6. My partner and I made it to the State Championships in 2005 and found our strength in being optimistic. Pessimism is very contagious and can cause a domino effect that will cause the match to fall apart. Also take advantage of the other teams weaknesses. If they are "pushers" (they just get it back over) rush the net every time and make them mess up or slam it back at them. Also, it sounds cheap but if you're not a pro... learn how to do an effective topspin lob. Last but not least, focus on the consistency of serves. Many of matches I have double faulted away.

    p.s. We also had numbers "plays" and the net player would hold it up behind his back, for such things like a cut, or a net rush. Planning a rush will be very efficient and a cut on a return serve will almost always set your team up for an offensive battle instead of defensive.

  7. Always be really positive to your partner, even if they make a bad shot, still say good try, etc. If you have a good net game, you should be an efficient doubles player. if you hit the net person... you get the point!

  8. Seriously don't get serious. I know you want to get serious and into the game, and that is a good thing, stay focused on the game, and realize you are out to win, but don't get so intent on winning you destroy your partner.

    First, dont' get angry at you rpartner no matter what unless they hit you over and over and over and over. If you can't help but get mad at your partner, take it out on the ball not the partner.

    Second, make some fun things including making moves. Like i made the fake and bake, where my netman would miss an overhead on purpose to scare them and then i would bash an approach shot at them.

    Thirdly, make more fun by doing something different, both playing back or during the game you both rush the net like maniacs.

    Just never get too serious or mean, and COMMUNICATE

  9. I know in any sport in whih you are on a team, you are taught to depend on your team for assitence when needed. That works a lot of the time when playing doubles.

    My advice is to stay alert to trust them to pick up what you miss. Also, try to talk to your partner, but not too loud. You hsould practice as much as you can with your partner to improve your teamwork.

    At practice, if we are playing doubles, we try to say "nice hit" or "good try". These comments a lot of the time make your partner try hard and also trust you.
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