
Tennis elbow recovery?

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My teenis elbow(which i have in both elbows) started when i was in the gym, now somedays they hurt somedays not.I have not been to the gym in a year,and i need to get back. I have a physical job so i can't rest them to much. except when i'm off. Any recommendations on what i can do to?




  1. hey..i don't knw much about Tennis Elbow....

    but if u have ever wathced Cricket, u wud know that one in arnd 2006..Sachin Tendulkar...(kinda Roger Federer of tennis )...he too had same tennis Elbow Injury...he recovered after a surgery..why don't u contact some doc..and enquire abt the surgery procedure....if thee is any...

    ur problem seems to be serious..u r like half handicapped due to pain in both hands...u must try doing something quickly...

  2. Get an elbow brace for both arms.  Buy some glucosamine/chondroitin supplements, and take them every day.  Weight lifting should help strengthen the supporting muscles, but be careful.  Start with lighter weights when your arms are better.

  3. My tennis elbow was the result of reaching for and lifting a 4 foot crowbar with my arm extended, I was re-roofing a barn, long story. The pain has been with me since July 07, I have had 3 cortisone shots and the last on I thought eliminated the pain for good, but alas it back. The Orthopedic doctor told me he has had the same condition for 10 years, the hopes for a total recovery flew out the window when I heard that.

    Ibuprofen or naproxin every day helps, but I just live with the nagging pain. I swear that last shot did the trick but, as I was warned, the pain did return.

  4. Try the link below.  There are some rehabilitation exercise you could do.  Check it out and good luck :)
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