
Tennis is it a difficult sport and is it expensive?

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Is it difficult to learn how to play tennis, is more of a physical or mental game? does age matter im 22 am i too old.




  1. Don't think tennis is easy.

    Most people do, and then they get out there and play and give up easily because they thought it'd be simple.

    I wouldn't say it was "difficult" but just like anything else, it needs patience, practice, and time.

    I've been playing for about four years, I think it's very enjoyable and fun. I'd recommend it, and of course you're not too old to start. My dad still plays and he's 54.

    You don't see elderly people out playing basketball or football do you? But I see elders playing tennis. It's a great sport that anyone can play.

  2. tennis is hard if you play against skillful player. if you want to be a true tennis player then it is expensive. i payed over 300$ to get every thing i need. tennis is both physical and mental. you need to be in good shape to get and return the ball and you must use strategy in tennis.

  3. you are not too old. my parents didn't pick up the rackets until they were in their early 50's.

    it is not expensive - you can get a decent racket under $100, a can of ball is around $2.50 that will last you a few sessions. a set of string with string job is about $30-$40, you can find tennis shoes from $29 and up. you can wear your t-shirt and gym shorts to play. usually there's a lot of public courts available depends on where you live.

    it is both physical and mendtal - let's concentrate on the physical part first before you learn how to play games.

    it is a great form of excercise, good sports for life.

    good luck.

  4. Well, I find it to be an extremely difficult sport. But, 22 isn't too old. If your planning to play professionally, yes, in a way it is too old. But overall, you can still play. It is said to be 80% mental and 20% physical. If you don't get your head straight, you may lose the match. It is very physical on your body, and you have to adapt to all of the different surfaces (if you plan on playing on them.) It can be expensive, depending upon your choice of racket and bag, tennis balls, water bottles, gear, etc. Overall, it's a demanding sport, but it's worth it. Give it a shot! =)

  5. tennis IS a difficult sport to play, and it is just as physical as any other sport, and more mental than many others. age does matter, but only for professionals so i wouldn't worry about it all that much. if you're planning on starting, get a decent racquet from and DON'T get Gamma tennis balls or any other ball except those that are in cans and grouped in three (because they bounce better and are better to play with) and also hold your racquet all the way down. good luck

  6. Tennis can be played competitively or just for fun.  The level of difficulty depends on your level of play.  I've seen people in their late 70's playing tennis so no, you are not too old.  (And the fact that people in their late 70's can play is obvious evidence that it doesn't have to be that physical...)

    And it isn't that expensive.  You really only need to pay for a racket and balls.  There are plenty of courts at like recreation centers and stuff.

  7. It's pretty basic to learn how to rally, but when you get more advanced, it gets difficult.

    It's both physical and mental, because you need to know where the ball is going, and of course there's spin on the ball causing it to bounce somewhere else

    I think tennis isn't cheap, nor is it expensive.

    You can get a pretty cheap racquet at a sports store.  

    And balls, about 3 bucks per can (about 1 dollar per ball) .

    I say that's pretty expensive, considering that you lose many.

  8. Age  doesnt really matter as long as your commited and enjoy playing tennis, if you do enjoy it then you'll play till your 90. Tennis is 90% mental and 10% physical (as my coach says) if you wanna really improve, then try getting a private coach to teach you. You will improve tremendously, i just started playing tennis for a year with a private coach and i already won my first tournament.

  9. Tennis isn't too difficult, but there are a lot of factors in hitting a normal groundstroke, but if you can keep track of those and apply them every time, you're fine.

    Also, it is said to be like 80% mental, and 20% physical, but I have heard people say it is 90% mental and 10% physical. Generally, everybody can agree it is more of a mental game.

    Another thing is, age does not matter, it might affect how well you play(compare a 20 year old to a 90 year old), but it does not matter. At my local club, there are old grandpa's and grandma's playing, so what does that tell you? For you specifically, 22 is not too old, but if you were aiming for pro tennis, you're late.

    One more factor you might want to take into consideration is the price. Normally, if you are just playing for fun, it is cheap. $30 a racket, $3 for a can of balls, and you're good. However, if you are going to take it seriously, it might cost more. Then the racket could be like $150, you'd have to buy like a bucket of balls, and you would have to buy shoes to. That's because if you plan on hitting hard with topsin, you have to pivot, and ordinary "tennis shoes" won't work. I tried it for like a month, there was a huge hole. If you take it seriously, you have to buy real tennis shoes, most athletic stores have them, and here, we have a store called tennis connection with supplies you need. And in case you were wondering, you don't need any fancy clothes, but you could the the nylon and polyester stuff, because cotton traps heat, but that doesn't matter- I wear cotton clothes all the time when I play tennis.

    So all in all, if you have 40 bucks to spare, go buy some tennis equipment and play with your friends! It's a great sport.

  10. yes it is difficult to learn tennis. u need determination and confidence. i believe it is more mental. if u break down mentally ur going to lose. Ur opponent can play with ur head and get u down and upset. no u can start playing whenever u want. go try it, it is really fun!

  11. tennis is one of the hardest sports to grasp the basics. but a lot of it depends on how co-ordinated you are and your athletecism. the mental aspect accounts for about 70% and 20% physical and 10% technique. our never too old the begin a sport. i no people who began in their 50's

  12. no, mostly people do it for fun and to be fit, 8s not expensive, you can buy rackets in cheaper one

  13. i absolutely love tennis. i didnt think it was too hard to pick up. i am still trying to master it, but i love tennis, and i mean you have to be in pretty good shape to be able to run around to get the balls all over the place.  if you would start with some simple lessons that your town/city may offer, before you start in a league.  I dont think tennis is really expensive,  the most expensive thing would be the racket, and i dont think those are too bad.  When you're looking at a racket, i would totally suggest wilson before anything else.  they are very light and comfortable.     Tennis is both physical and mental. the majority of it though is physical.  mental isnt really used that much.  If you count remembering different grips on the racket mental, and knowing when to swing, whether to hit it with an open or closed racket face, then its about 50 50.

    Hope you have fun playing!

  14. for me tennis is not that easy but your probably different than me but tennis lessons are usually expensive and take up a lot of time

  15. you need patience, practice, and time

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