
Tennis players!?

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Do you hit a one-handed or two-handed backhand?




  1. a one-hander...from the start.

  2. Hit a two handed...

    The only thing good about a one hander is that it looks cool, but trust me it is so hard to keep the right control and topspin to do a one hander. We had a few kids from our tennis team who tried switching to a one-hander for the season...they couldnt hit some good shots but it just was not as consistant, whenever someone hit hard shots to their backhand they just didnt have the control to keep it in.

    Yes there are good players with one handed backhands, but it is very hard to learn and few players who use them are actually improving their game. Most would be better off switching to a two handed backhand

  3. two handed.

    i have been taught this way - also because i am female it helps me get more power into my shots. i also find it easier too put it where i want it.

  4. Play right handed. Two-handed backhand

  5. 2 handed usually. Sometimes if I just volley  a 1 handed.

  6. two handed backhand if i dont have time one-handed

  7. 2 handed

  8. I started out with a 1 one handed but now I use 2 handed. I think I will try to switch back.

  9. Two handed backhand.

  10. i hit a two handed backhand, but when i get better at it i'll probably be able to do a one handed backhand

  11. 1 hander all the way

    more power

    and it looks better
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