
Tennis questions: First, I notice that sometimes players get three (I think 4 also) times to get their serve?

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in and sometimes they only get two, after which it is called a double fault and the points go to the other player. How do you determine whether the server gets only two chances at putting the serve in or three or four? Second question: How many points does one have to get in order to win a set when there is a tie break (when it's 6-6 in a set)?




  1. what?

  2. ive never seen 3-4 attempts at a serve is 2 and the other player gets the point and to win a tie breaker you must win by 2

  3. If the ball hit the net but still hit the service box, the empire wants the serve repeated again that's why you can sometimes see that a player can try more than 2 times to serve.

    For your other question if the score is 6-6 in the set,set goes to the tiebreak and first one to reach 7 by 2 points get the set.But in Wimbledon when the sets are 2-2,something different happens.There is no tiebreak occurs in the final set first one to reach scores like 6-4, 7-5, 8-6 ,9-7 or even 13-11(which happened in this year wimbledon tourney.Mario Ancic got the match finishing the final set 13-11)

  4. Sometimes players get to serve more than twice means the ball hit the net and drops into the service box when they serve, which is called "let". They get to serve again if the ball hits the net and still drops in the service box.

    At a score of 6-6, a set is often determined by one more game called a "tie-break". First to get 7 points wins the tie-break. But if the score is tied 7-7 in the tie-break, first to win by two points (8-6, 9-7, 10-8, etc.) gets the tie break.

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