
Tennis rain delayed. Do you still want to vote who will win?

by  |  earlier

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Hi guys since the match between Federer and Nadal is rain delayed there is still time for you to vote. Nadal is leading 6-4,6-4,4-5 before the rain came down. Nadal is playing very well. I'm not sure whether Federer could make it this time. But still really hope Federer could win. I really want him to break the record. So close yet so far.

If you want to participate and vote you can go to following question. Thanks.;_ylt=AmBnYHjDLxVw.9lK7Ppj7tfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080706015435AAbXkhz




  1. yes

  2. i want nadal to win

  3. The way nadal is going.. i think nadal will win, but you'll never know till the end. haha XD. fedrer needs a kick in the butt to wake him up.

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