
Tennis rules?

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in going into tennis next year and im doing tennis camp this summer. (tomorrow is the first day). can u give me a brief description of tennis' rules. also any tips u have to give me.




  1. i don't no much but i play at school. when you serve you have to get in the opposite side you are serving on (in the square) for singles the boundaries is the inside lines and doubles the outside lines. the ball can't bounce twice on your side.

  2. go have fun....... use common sense.. try hard

  3. Lets start with scoring.

    Every point you win gives you 15 points usually

    It goes 15-30-40-Game

    If you are both at 40 it is deuce, then you have to win 2 straight points, to win the game

    6 games generally to win a set, 7 if it goes to tie breaker, and it can also be 7-5, if you are tied at 5 and win 2 straight.

    Tiebreaker format is, generally, Player 1 serves once, P2 twice, P1 twice and so on, till 7 i believe

    You need to win 2-3 sets to win a match 2 if it is a 3 set total, and 3 if it 5

    Generally for girls and people in teens it is 2 sets to win


    Singles court has boundries

    Serve has to be in opposite service box

    Cant go over baseline till ball is hit on serve, if you serve

    Cant hit net with raquet

    2 chances to hit serve

    if it hits net and goes over on serve if you are serving it is a let, then they serve again, and have their normal 1st and second serve, 2 lets in a row, double fault

    cant hit ball into net, it can hit net and go over on normal hit and be inplay

  4. Look above to this great discription above of tennis and use this model to help you get throught it and remember this rule about switchibg

    *play switch stay switch

  5. i dont know but i just hit the ball =)
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