
Tennis ruling on a drop shot that goes back over?

by  |  earlier

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So me and my buddies were playing a game today. It was one on one with me and Mike. Now I lobbed it over to mike, and he returned it with a nice spinning drop shot. Well the shot hit my side, and spun so well, it went back over the net to HIS side. Now he says he scored the point because i never hit it back on his side, but I say it's my point because the point ended on his side.

What is the ruling for this, is there something in the ATP rule book? I'd assume it's my point because I'd imagine tennis players could do that in a match and I've never seen it done.

Any help, with possibly the exact note ruling?




  1. ur friend's point

  2. It's without a doubt your friend who scores the point.  You didn't make contact with the ball once it was in play on your side of the court.  Your friend just made one amazing shot.

  3. It would be your friends point because first, you never hit the ball to make it over the net.  Second there is one rule that apllys in this situation, you can actually reach over the net to hit it in his court before it bounced.  and tell your friend that was one heck of a shot and very very VERT difficult to calculate the degress of the tennis raquet.  It was AMAZING SHOT!

  4. It counts as your friends point, however if that happens again you can reach over the net to hit the ball after it bounces on your side and continue the point.  This is the only instance that you can reach over the net to hit a ball.

  5. Sorry, but your friend is right.

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