
Tennis set rules?

by  |  earlier

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1. How many sets are played in a game?

2. Does it change for men and women?

3. What happens when a set reaches six games all?

4. What happens when a match reaches six games all in the final set?

If you have answers to any of them, let me know, just tell me which question you're answering.




  1. 1. all tournaments are played best of 3, except men's grand slams (they are played best of 5 and also the final of the men's masters cup).

    2. no. except women's tournaments, they are all played best of 3 (including all grand slams).

    3. after 6 games all in a set it comes to a tiebreak (up to 7 points with at least 2 points difference. on 6/6 it continues until one player is 2 points ahead).

    4. tiebreak in all tournaments except Australian Open, French Open and Wimbledon. at these 3 tournaments the last set will be played out until one player is 2 games ahead (e.g. 28/26).

  2. 1. For Professional men there are the best of 5 sets to a match.(Except for a few tournaments)

    For women (professional) they play the best of 3 sets.

    High school is like the women and play mostly the best of 3 sets to a match.

    2.Only in the professional and some college tournaments

    3.They go to a tie breaker. where the winner of the tie breaker wins the set. the winner would win that set 7-6

    4.It depends on the tournament but most go to the tie breaker. There are a few exceptions (Wimbeldon for example)

  3. 1 & 2. Best of five sets for men, and best of three sets for women.

    3. At six all, the set continues with a tie-breaker. Players have two serves each in turn, the first player to seven points AND also two points clear of the opponent wins the set 7-6

    4. Depends on the tournament, but at Wimbledon tie-breakers dont apply to the final set. The set just continues until one player has won two games more than the opponent, in the nomal way. Many other tournaments  apply the tie-break system.

  4. 1. You mean - how many games are played in a set. The first to reach 6 games wins the set. However there does have to be more than 1 game difference.

    2. In most tournaments ladies play best of 3, and men play best of 5 sets.

    3. If both players reach 6 games, a tiebreaker is forced. First player to win 7 points, wins the set.

    4. It depends on the tournament, at Wimbledon they play on until one player has 2 games difference over the other. In most other tournaments a normal tiebreak is played.

  5. 1. How many sets are played in a game?

    Best 2 out of 3 sets for most tournaments for men and women. However, in grandslam tournaments, Davis Cup and the Tennis Masters Cup (final), the men will play best 3 of 5 sets, but the women still play best 2 of 3.

    2. Does it change for men and women?

    Already answered in question 1.

    3. What happens when a set reaches six games all?

    A tiebreak is played. The players will play first to 7 points (must win by 2 points). They will switch serves after every odd point played (1, 3, 5, etc) and rotate ends after every 6 points played. The winner of the tiebreak wins the set 7-6.

    4. What happens when a match reaches six games all in the final set?

    In most tournaments, they simply play a tiebreak to determine the champion. However, three of the Grandslams are different. The Australian Open, The French Open and Wimbledon have no final set tiebreaker. This means that once the score gets to 6 games all, they simply continue playing regular games until one player wins two consecutive games. The US Open is the only slam that plays a final set tiebreaker.

  6. all of there answers above are correct!
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