
Tennis tips?

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So next week we have a huge round robin tournament at school. My biggest threats are these three people:

1. Left hander, powerful drive forehand, and backhand. Can place serves well, but not all that powerful. Serves and volleys, and can angle lots of balls. Mostly plays aggressive on baseline; will slice most returns back, or try and make dropshots out of them.

2. Left hander, he slices a WHOLE LOT. He does this to throw off opponents, and can attack well with his forehand. He can place serves well, and deep--especially hard, into the body. He serves and volleys, and baselines--basically an all around player like number 1, except with a bigger serve, and this guy slices a lot often. I still dont know much about this guy as much as I do the other two though.




  1. You've obviously analyzed these players games well enough. The best thing for you to do is come up with the top 2 or 3 weaknesses that each player has, and start each match by trying to exploit the top weakness until that doesn't work. Then move on to the number 2 weakness, and so on.  If this isn't a natural way for you to compete, then it might be better to only focus on what you do well, and try to set up your strengths.  Whatever you do, don't let your mind get bogged down so much that you can't focus on the moment, one point at a time.

  2. Charge the net. you said you were a defensive baseline player but especially with the player with a big slice you need to play the volly and don't let it bounce. if it does its going to get all kind of funky spin on it and it'll be impossible to hit. and it depends on how tall you are. watch the lefty's serve. its really confusing. the first person you described how he plays on the baseline, use drop shots. you can do this forehand or backhand. forehand you have to get the racquet under the ball and open it way up and just kind of push foreward. and back hand, you said you had a two hand, i did last year, but this year i worked a lot on it and have a pretty decent one hand back hand but my two hand is killer. the key to a one hand is the slice. the only real overall tip i can give is play each point. i get really pissed really really easy, throw racquets yell loudly, not good, but just play each point, after the point turn your bak to the court and count to ten and the go back and play the next point. just get in a rhythem and keep that up. and good luck

  3. Don't worry how you play. I would do my best. So if a person is weak at their forehand hit a backhand. If they are very bad at their backhand hit a forehand to them. Also if they can't run the to net pretty fast, hit a drop shot. Play well!
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