
Tennis tryouts are coming up, and I want to be in shape...(read description)?

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what can i do to help me be a better player? any good excercise that will help me in tennis?




  1. tennis is hardcore if you play it right. to get ur endurance up, i suggest running a lot. since you use ur arms for everything, try lifting some weights and do pushups

  2. You don't train for tennis like you do other endurance sports.  Tennis is full of short bursts with quick recoveries.  While swimming will be good for your health and overall endurance, you'll need to spend time on the court.  You'll want to do quick agility drills that focus on explosive power.  When you do these drills, go hard for about 15-20 seconds, rest for 20 seconds, then repeat.  The most important steps on the tennis court are your first two steps to the ball, and unlike other sports where you build speed as you run, in tennis you want your first step to be your fastest and most explosive step as you'll be slowing down as you get closer to the ball.  Your quads are supremely important as they are the muscles that get you going and the muscles that help you come to quick stops as well.  This is why horses (or shuttle runs) that require quick changes in direction are so important.  Remember, go hard when you do them so you're building explosive power.  

  3. Jill is spot on with her answer & I would add that if you do decide to do any exercise at all, start slowly & build yourself up. In other words, don't try to run a marathon first up, but instead try & increase the distance you jog a little bit every week. This will take time, but in the end you will be in great shape when you want to start playing tennis. Also, the most important aspect of tennis is to "watch the ball", which might sound obvious, but believe me its critical when playing the game.

    Cheers !

  4. tennis is a stop and go sport...train with wind sprints and also you'll need great upper body strength!!

  5. To become a better player practice against one of your friends that may be better than you that way if you keep playing against them you will quickly see a big improvement, also to stay in shape play for a long time and also in the sun (this may not happen if you live in england) so that you sweat more and this will increase your stamina also if you want to do some press ups and sit ups to work your lower abs, what will help even more is just when you get up in the morning just do basic arm exercises and move around so your body becomes more flexible also try lifting weights this way you can hit harder shots! hope this helps

  6. Pushups and weights and other heavy working out things will not help very much at all. Jumping rope is GREAT excersise for tennis because it helps you with your footwork, like moving your feet around constantly, and it will add to your endurance. if you are serious about tennis, i would suggest half an hour of jump roping every day. You will notice that you will be able to move your feet a lot quicker and you will be more endured for long matches. Also, the number 1 excersise you can do to get better in tennisis swimming laps.  Some might say this is the same as running, but it is absolutely not.  Running wears down your knees and can be harmful. Swimming is does wear down any part of your body that would cause you to tear something or pull something. The only pain you should get is being sore. if your not sore, your not doing it right! :P  not fun, carefree swimming, but competitively swimming laps. I do not think that there are any teams still going right now, but if you have a pool or are a member to a pool, go and swim some laps! What this will do is it will make you totally in shape and you will barely ever get tired during a match. This is the best excersise for swimming there is. good lcuk at your tryouts and i hope this helps :)

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