
Tenochtitlan is the largest city in the world.what is its environment like?

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Tenochtitlan is the largest city in the world.what is its environment like?




  1. Nobody calls it Tenochtitlan anymore.  It stopped being called that soon after Cortez invaded in 1519-1520.  It is called México by residents and Mexico City by gringos (pinché).

    If you insist on calling it Tenochtitlan to be cool, please refer to New York as New Amsterdam as well.

    Clumsy:  Call it whatever you want, but it isn't the correct name.  Tell me, do you call California, Texas, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico "Northern Mexico" too?  

    By the way, I lived in Lomas de Chapultapec for 12 years as a special envoy to the U.S. Embassy in the Zona Rosa...  And yes, it is a vibrant and wonderful city, full of tremendous contradictions.

  2. Clumsy probably you went to Mexico city around this time of the year, wich is the hotest time to be around in the big city, fyi Mexico city has a climate that will be envy by many citizens of other big cities. the hotest it could get is low 90 degrees in April and  May, but only for a few hours and few days  , most of the time is in the late 70's. during summer the temperature drops to the 60´s, and a lot first time visitors from London Uk compares it with London, since its raining all the time therefore is humid and there can be cloudy days for more than a week.

    the fall in mexico city is when tempreatures drop to the 50´s and it keeps on like that trough the winter. However in the winter during early  morning hours you sometimes will see a little of frost in some parts of the city but around 9 am or 10 am is gone and it becomes warm again.

    The bad thing is air pollution is huge and requires a day or two for your eyes to get use to it. traffic is hectic.

    Another bad thing is altitude, Mexico city is 2200 mts above sea level, something like 7 000 feet, so is more than a mile high and sometimes your body needs to adapt to the altitude specially if you come from a city around sea level.

    Mexico City is no longer the Biggest city in the globe but still in the big 3, competing with Shangai in China and Tokio in Japan.

  3. i love it, and dont listen to the dude above me, thats what i call it. I love it there, sure its hot, and dry, but if you go, you have to visit the pyramids!! super fun!

  4. I think "clumsy" is confusing Teotihuacán with Tenochtitlán.

    Teotihuacán is in a hot dry site, near to México city, but Mex city is not hot or dry, it is cool and wet enough.

    But, Tenochtitlán does not exist any more. Spaniards destroyed that city and founded a new city called as México.

    Okay, México is in the area where was located Tenochtitlán, but this is not that ancient city.

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