
Term of peace corps?

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how long is the terms? i have heard 1-12 weeks? or years? yikes im interested and have read the goverment site a thousand times over but i cant get a clear answer....




  1. 3 months of training and two years of service, for a total of 27 months. A VERY typical pattern would be to go into training the September you graduate from college, finish training sometime near December 1, have a short break and spend the next two years (Jan - Dec, Jan - Dec) at your post.

    When you search Y!A for "Peace Corps" you see ads for "Peace Corps Alternatives" with terms of as little as 1 - 12 weeks. Those are basically altruistic vacations; instead of lying on the beach, you paint an orphanage or something. You pay the company; it puts you where you can do some good.

    Read about my experience, if you like;

    I was in Borneo 1971 and 1972.


    Added afterwards: The answer above me is for Peace Corps Employees, not volunteers. The Peace Corps has administrators and such, like any branch of the government.

  2. Time Limits on Employment:

    Peace Corps employees receive time-limited appointments and most employees are limited to a maximum of five years (60 months) of employment with the agency. This time-limit is referred to as the "five-year rule" and was established to ensure that Peace Corps' staff remain fresh and innovative. Another rule related to the "five year rule" specifies that former Peace Corps employees cannot be re-employed by Peace Corps until they have been out of the agency's employment for the same amount of time that they worked for the Peace Corps. Service as a Peace Corps Volunteer overseas is not counted for the purposes of either of these rules.
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