
Term paper?

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Ok, so my term paper is on part-time vs. full-time legislature, and I need to make like an interview for the paper. and i've tried emailing ca legislators, mi legislators, and tx legislators, but no one has replied ( its been about a week now), and since i'm greatly emphasizing on the mi point of view, i also sent emails to some college professors there and other representatives of the state. there's like no reply..and i have no idea what to do now. plz help?




  1. You need to call your legislator. That is going to be your best option this is the person that is most likely to respond. Look at the website for your state and find their phone numbers that is the best way to get a hold of them. Your basic thesis is going to be that a full time leg is going to be more professional than a part time leg. You will see that for the most part, that the more time that a leg spends in session the more professional it is. Hope this helps.

  2. Call em all back like twice a day until you get a response.

  3. You are probably more likely to get an audience with a local representative than a national one.  Call their office and ask for an appointment.  You will probably have better luck there.

    ADDED:  I guess you missed one point.  CALL THEIR OFFICES!  Stop with the email.  Those are answered by teenagers when they get around to it.  They search for keywords and send you a form letter a month later, which typically has nothing to do with what you are talking about or is so filled with political double-speak that they can sound like the politican is on both sides of the issue in many cases.

    CALL the local office and get an appointment.  Email has its place...this is not it.

  4. Email won't need to call them every day, possibly several times a day, until they call you back.  These people get TONS of email, most of it junk, so they don't have time to sort through and pull out the important stuff.  Call them to get what you need.

  5. I would go to the local and state capitol buildings and walk around talking to people about what you are doing and find someone.  If you tell people what you are doing and if you could have 10 minutes of their time, I bet they will give it to you.  Go get face to face.
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